
Christophe Marchand, Ph.D., Co-Chair

Qualifications: I obtained my PhD in Molecular Pharmacology in 1997 from the University of Paris, Pierre & Marie Curie, France in the area of gene therapy via DNA triple helix formation. In 1998, I joined the Laboratory of Molecular Pharmacology, CCR as a Visiting Fellow where I was appointed Staff Scientist in 2006. In 2007, I was awarded the NCI Director’s Intramural Innovation Award for the development of a novel high-throughput screening assay for the discovery of human tyrosyl DNA phosphodiesterase I (Tdp1) inhibitors. I currently serve as a steering committee member for the Center of Excellence in HIV and Cancer Virology at NCI.
Platform: For the past year, I have been serving as a co-chair for the Professional Development Committee of the NCI Staff Scientist Staff Clinician Organization. In September, our committee was able to propose the first NCI Staff Scientist Staff Clinician Mid-year Training Activity. This NCI event was a great success and will be offered every other year alternatively with a NIH-wide Training Day. We are currently working on the first NCI Staff Scientist Staff Clinician New Hiring Handbook, which should be available in 2011. I will continue to serve actively the NCI Staff Scientist Staff Clinician Organization.

Christina Stuelten, M.D., Ph.D., Secretary

Qualifications:I obtained my PhD (1996) and MD (1999) at the University of Tuebingen, Germany. Following clinical training in surgery and laboratory medicine, I joined Anita Roberts’ laboratory in 2003, where I studied the role of TGF-beta in tumor-stroma interactions and (stem) cell differentiation, and established models to investigate the effect of surgical wounds on nearby tumors. After Anita Roberts’ death in 2006, I continued my research in Dr. John Niederhuber’s laboratory in the Cell and Cancer Biology Branch where I am currently staff scientist.
Platform: As a new Staff Scientist, I am very interested in being involved in the Staff Scientist/Staff Clinician Organization right from the start. By doing this I hope to be a part of the organization as it continues to grow contributing ideas to the standing committees and working towards meeting the needs of Staff Scientists, especially those who are in the early stages of their career.


Anu Puri, Ph.D., Co-Chair

Qualifications: I am currently a staff scientist in the CCRNP, NCI-Frederick.  I joined the NIH in 1986 and since then have made unswerving strides to accomplish my goals in the area of viral entry and nano-drug delivery systems. During these years, I have witnessed many paradigm shifts administratively and scientifically, mostly resulting in fruitful and positive outcomes. I can attest that formalizing the “staff scientist organization” is one of those. I have been an active member of this organization by attending the meetings (primarily at the NCI-Frederick location) and being a participant of the SS retreat as well as occasional PI retreats. SS-organization has made significant progress since its inception such as the dedicated website, organizing additional meetings for career development and bringing the news letter (DOSSIER) on the platform. I recognize and appreciate the coordinated efforts put forward by current and previous SS co-chairs to implement and execute these activities. I feel that it is time to get directly involved to serve the organization, and therefore I would like to run as the candidate for SS co-chair for year 2011-12. I believe I have the needed organizational and inter-personal skills. For instance, I had initiated the idea of summer student poster day in 2005, and the event has progressed and been very successful since then. Recently, I was also recognized for “outstanding contributions to the education and guidance of NIH Postbaccalaureate trainees”. I am actively involved in the education of the scientific community by teaching a hands-on FAES course “nanotechnology in medicine’. I look forward to serving the SS-organization in the near future.

Platform: As recognized by the previous SS co-chairs, the attendance by the staff scientists to the meetings and/or assemblies is often less than optimal. I intend to create a network to enhance this participation by our fellow colleagues. To my understanding, monthly professional development committee meetings are primarily held on the Bethesdacampus. I hope to have some of these meeting (every four months) in Frederick and invite our Bethesda SS colleagues to the Frederick campus, providing an additional opportunity for interactions. I will also seek opportunities to provide information for professional development and networking. I personally network with scientists at NIST, UMD, FDA, AFFRI and UHUHS within the vicinity of our campus. I can foresee that my SS colleagues have their own networking resources. However, bringing these possibilities to the SS organization by holding quarterly seminars is one way to strengthen these connections. I will also probe additional intramural funding opportunities for the SS/SC (in addition to the Director’s innovation awards). Viable ideas and suggestions are always welcome.

Jianbo Chen, Ph.D., Secretary

Hi, this is Jianbo Chen. I have been working at the HIV drug resistance program since 2002 in building 535 at NCI-Frederick. I appreciate the nomination to run for the Frederick co-chair of SS/SC and I will try my best to serve the needs of the SS/SC community at NCI-Frederick. I will continue the on-site and off-site assembly initiated by Zack two year ago to keep us interacted and to discuss topics interesting to us.


Staff Clinician

Marybeth Hughes, M.D., FACS

As a staff clinician in the Surgery Branch, it would be an honor to represent the CCR Staff Scientists and Staff Clinician Organization to advance the professional goals and scientific careers of the CCR community. Together we have a voice and are critical to the mission of both the CCR and the NIH. This organization with the help of all Staff Clinicians and Staff Scientists can promote the goals of the CCR while representing the people who continue to strive for scientific and clinical excellence. I appreciate your support for this position.

Calendar of Events for SSSC Committee

Annual Event Planning Calendar


Last updated by Michalowski, Aleksandra (NIH/NCI) [E] on Apr 09, 2013