The Dossier

The Dossier is the SSSC newsletter, which presents information of interest to CCR staff scientists and staff clinicians to enhance their research, employment opportunities, and knowledge.

The Dossier

June 2024 Issue 48

The Digest on CCR Staff Scientists and Staff Clinicians: Information, Employment and Research

Mark Your Calendar 

SS/SC Page on CCR Central

Congratulations - SS/SC Election Results:
New Bethesda Co-Chair: Nicolas Cuburu
New Frederick Co-Chair: Ravindra Chalamalasetty

 here to view

an online version of the newsletter

From the Editor:

It gives me immense happiness and a distinct honor to welcome you all to the June 2024 Issue of the Dossier, which is the first edition for which I have served as Editor-in-Chief. First, thanks to my predecessor Dr. Lakshmi Balagopalan, who has done a fantastic job over the past five for uplifting and maintaining the high standard of this newsletter. 


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Lakshmi Balagopalan

Senior Editor
Anuradha Budhu

Cristina Bergamaschi
Takashi Furusawa
Anne Gegonne
Brunilde Gril
Liu-ya Tang
Alexandra Zimmer

Editorial Review Board
Melissa Bronez
Li Gwatkin
Abbie Harrison
Beverly Mock
Jonathan Wiest

Last updated by Meana Paneda, Ruben (NIH/NCI) [E] on Jun 13, 2024