Laboratory of Pathology 2024 Clinical Residents

Residents Manual

1. Program Overview
2. General Remarks
3. Orientation Program
4. NIH Rotations - check links
5. Extramural Rotations
6. NIH Electives
7. Extramural Electives
8. Appendices

Lab of Pathology Policies:

      - Policy on “Roles and Responsibilities & Chain of Supervision"

      - Policy on “Supervision of Residents

      - Policy on “Handovers and Transfers

      - Policy on “Resident Duty Hours

      - Policy on “Vacation and Other Leaves of Absence

      - Policy on “Requests for Increases/Changes in Resident Duty Hours

      - Policy on “Reimbursement for Local Travel – Rotations

Anatomic Pathology Resident's Webpage

Last updated by Chinquee, Joseph (NIH/NCI) [E] on Apr 08, 2024