Specimen Collection Guide:

Nursing Collection Manual

Revised Procedure Manual Sections (2015)

Internal Procedures: 

1.  Standard Procedures  

1.1   Processing Pathway
1.2   The Number and Source Coding System
1.3   Accessioning of Pre-Fixed Specimens
1.4   Accessioning of Unfixed Specimens
1.5   Specimen Acceptance and Rejection
1.6   Specimens Received After Hours
1.7   Priorities of Dispatching Daily Workload
1.8   Slide and Record Retention 
1.9   Quality Assurance
        1.9A  Handling Workload during Instrument Failure

2.  Collection, Fixation and Submission of Specimens

2.1   General Collection
        2.1A Specimen Exclusions
2.2   Gynecologic Smears (PAP Smears)
        2.2A Liquid Based Gynecologic Specimens
2.3   Gynecologic Smears for Cytohormonal Evaluation
2.4   Gynecologic Smears of Patients Exposed to DES in Utero
2.5   Sputum - Complete Sputum Series
2.6   Bronchoscopic Brushings
2.7   Bronchial Washings
2.8   Esophageal and Gastric Washings
2.9   Esophageal and Gastric Brushings
2.10 Voided and Instrumented Urine
2.11  Cerebrospinal Fluid
        2.11A  Outside Cerebrospinal Fluid Samples
2.12  Body Cavity Fluids
2.13  Body Cavity Washings
2.14  Miscellaneous Fluids (Cyst, Fluids, Joint Fluids)
2.15  Nipple Discharge Specimens
2.16  Tzanck Smears
2.17  FNA Specimens (revision 1)

3.  Cytopreparation

3.1   Specimen Concentration
3.2   Cytocentrifugation Fixed and Air Dried Preparations
3.3   Air Dried Diff Quik Stained Cytospins for Specimen Evaluation Triage
       3.3A  Slides for Immunocytochemical Studies
3.4   Direct Smears
3.5A Thinprep 2000 Processor Operation
3.5B Non-Gynecologic Sample preparation for the Thinprep Processor
3.6   Cell Block Preparations
3.7   Fixed Smears
3.8   Lysing Protocol
3.9   Lymphoprep Technique 
3.10 Sputum
        3.10A  Induced Sputum-Asthma Study
3.11  Bronchial Washings
3.12  Bronchial Brushings
3.13  Bronchoalveolar Lavage
3.14  Esophageal and Gastric Washings or Brushings
3.15  Urinary Tract
3.16  Body Cavity Fluids and Washings
3.17  Cerebrospinal Fluids
3.18  Miscellaneous Fluids (Cyst Fluids, Joint Fluids)
3.19  Vitreous Fluid
3.20  Abdominal Fat Aspirations for Diagnosis of Amyloidosis - Revised 2
3.21  Fine Needle Aspiration Specimens
3.22 Quick Chart

4.  Cytopathology Staining Procedures

4.1   The Papanicolaou Stain
4.2   Papanicolaou Staining Procedure 
4.3   Papanicolaou Fixatives and Reagents
4.4   Papanicolaou Destaining Procedure.wpd
4.5   Diff-Quik Staining And Destaining Procedures
4.6   Cross Contamination Control
4.7   Stain Line Maintenance
4.8   Deparaffinizing Cell Block Sections
4.9   H&E Staining and Destaining Procedures
4.10  Stain and Storage Requirements

5.  Special Stains

5.1   General Overview
5.2   Grocott's Methenamine Silver Stain
5.3   GMS Staining Procedure
5.4   GMS Staining Solutions - Preparation and Storage

6.  Postcytopreparation

6.1   Coverslipping
6.2   Specimen Labels and Tray Assembly

7.  Screening

7.1   Examining the Cellular Sample
7.2   Diagnostic Terminology
7.3   The Maturation Index
7.4   Differential Cell Count on Bronchoalveolar Lavage

8.  Quality Control

8.1   Equipment - Revised
8.2   Staining
8.3   Quality Control Labeling of Commercial Stains
8.4   Quality Assurance Accessioning

9.  Handling of Laboratory Specimens and Chemicals

9.1   Infection Control - Waste Disposal Guidelines
9.2   Infection Control - Universal Precautions
9.3   Emergency Steps for Possible Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure
9.4   Biohazard Spill Procedures
9.5   Chemical Handling Safety
9.6   Hazardous Material Spill Procedures
9.7   Formaldehyde and Xylene Monitoring

10.  Waste Disposal

10.1  Infection Control and Waste Disposal (MPW)
10.2  Medical Pathological Waste (MPW) Procedures
10.3  Chemical Waste Disposal

11.  Appendices

Appendix A:  Bethesda System SoftPath Cascade 
Appendix A:  The 2001 Bethesda System
Appendix B:  In House Medical Legal Tracking Log
Appendix B:  Secretarial Handbook Index
Appendix B:   Secretarial Handbook
Appendix C:  Universal Precautions at the NIH Clinical Center Booklet
Appendix D:  Safety Data Sheets
Appendix E:  Outside Slide Storage
Appendix F:  NCCLS GP2-A3 Manual

Appendices Index

Last updated by Young, Sarah (NIH/NCI) [E] on Jan 07, 2019