C3D BTTC eCRFs Instructions Manual


Manual for the Completion of the NCI / CCR / C3D BTTC Case Report Forms

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At the end of 2003, the National Cancer Institute's Center for Cancer Research (CCR) developed and started using the Cancer Central Clinical Database (C3D) - a client-server computer system - to capture data for oncology clinical trials research trials conducted at the CCR.

This manual was developed for data managers and study coordinators responsible for capturing patient data from BTTC clinical trials into C3D. It contains general instructions on how to complete the Standard Case Report Forms (eCRF) developed for BTTC trials, such as time frames for data entry. It also includes specific details on how to complete each eCRF, defining the required fields, pick lists available and validations to assist with data entry.

If you have questions or comments, please forward your feedback on this manual to the NCI Brain Tumor Trials Collaborative.

Last updated by Fontinha, Marcelo (NIH/OD) [E] on Nov 22, 2017