

Record all sites of disease, even if they will not be followed for response.

Extent of Disease eCRF - Lesions Identification

Field Name

Description / Instructions


Lesion #(m)

Select a unique number for each lesion. Once a lesion number is designated for a specific lesion, that number may not change or be used to denote a different lesion.

Note: This lesion number must appear at least once on the bottom repeating group.

Use pick list.

 Prior Radiation Therapy to Lesion Site

Select a brief description for the location within the body for a lesion, organ, or treatment field intended for protocol therapy which previously received radiation treatment for the same condition.

Use pick list.

Anatomic Site

Select the named and more specified location in the body for the site of a lesion.

Use pick list.

Lesion OrganSelect named location with the central nervous system that is the site of a disease lesion.

Use pick list.

Lesion Location

Select a brief description of the lesion location.

Use pick list.

Description of Location(m)

Select from detailed spatial description of an anatomic site or location.

Use pick list.   

Side Detail

Select from specification relating to the side or laterality of an anatomic location.

Use pick list.

Measurable / Non-Measurable(m)

Enter "M" for measurable, "N" for non-measurable, and "E" for evaluable as defined in the protocol.

Use pick list.




Legend: (d) derived field, (m) RDC mandatory.






Lesion Number appears more than once on the description section.

Extent of Disease Lesion Number should be unique in the description section (top repeating group).

Extent of Disease eCRF - Lesions Measurements

Field Name

Description / Instructions


Lesion #(m)

Select a lesion number from the pick list.

Note: This lesion number must appear in the description section (top repeating group).

Use pick list.

Course #(d)

Indicates the course number that this lesion evaluation was done in as derived from the course initiation start date.

5 digits

Day in Course(d)

Indicates the day since the beginning of course that this lesion evaluation was done as derived from the course initiation start date.

5 digits

Evaluation Date(m)

Enter the date of the evaluation (i.e.: date of CT scan). Do not enter the date of the report or when the results were received.


How Measured(m)

Select how the lesion measurement was determined. The same method should be used to measure a specific lesion throughout the study. For example, if the measurements were determined by a chest x-ray, enter CXR.

Use pick list.

First Longest Measurement

Enter the longest lesion measurement in centimeters.


6 digits and 2 decimals

Second Longest Measurement

Enter the second longest lesion measurement in centimeters.


6 digits and 2 decimals

Third Longest Measurement

Enter the third longest lesion measurement in centimeters.


6 digits and 2 decimals







Evaluation #(m)

Number each evaluation sequentially for each lesion. Use 0 for the baseline evaluation, 1 for the first evaluation, 2 for the second evaluation, etc.

Note: this is the number of the set of scans done after the baseline. For example, if a new lesion was found on the third set of scans that occurred at the end of the course 4, the evaluation number should be 3.

2 digits

Evaluation Code

Select the status of non-measurable lesions at the time of each evaluation.
B - Baseline (use for the initial lesion evaluation that was when the treatment started.)
D - Decreasing
I - Increasing
N - New (use for lesions that appear after treatment has started.)
R - Resolved
S - Stable
X - Not Examined
V - Not Evaluable

Use pick list.

Legend: (d) derived field, (m) RDC mandatory.



Lesion Number in the measurement section does not have a corresponding number in the description section (Lesion Identification Page).

Verify that lesion number in the measurement section is recorded in the description section(Lesion Identification Page).


Evaluation Number of a "Non-Measurable"lesion is "0" and Evaluation Code is not "B, and vice-versa.

If Evaluation Number of a "Non-Measurable"lesion is "0", Evaluation Code should be "B - Baseline".


Lesion is marked as "Measurable" and longest measurement do not exist.

Enter the lesion's longest measurement.


Date of Evaluation is in the future.

Enter a date that is equal to or prior to the current date.


Lesion is marked as "Non-Measurable" and Evaluation Code was not provided.

Lesion is marked as "Non-Measurable" should have an Evaluation Code.


The lesion has an Evaluation Code of "B - Baseline" and the Evaluation Date is not prior to Start Date of the first course.

Correct the lesion's Evaluation Date or the Evaluation Code.


Evaluation Date for New lesion is prior to the Start Date of first course.

Enter a date that is equal or after the first course Start Date.


Evaluation number for New lesion (with Evaluation Code 'N-New') is 0.

Enter a correct sequential number.


New lesion (with Evaluation Code 'N-New') does not have the lowest evaluation number for the corresponding lesion.

Enter a correct sequential number.



Field Name



Course #

Course number is derived based on the course initiation start dates and the extent of disease evaluation date.


Day in Course

Number of days since the beginning of the course is derived from the course initiation start date and the extent of disease evaluation date.

Last updated by Yakovlev, Yury (NIH/NCI) [C] on Apr 07, 2017