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Workshop co-chair duties

SurveyResults 2011



Workshop panelists details.docx


Retreat workshops - final list



Preclinical research and development/ From Discovery to Therapy

John Simmons, Anne Noonan

Careers in Academia and Grants management

Poorva Dharkar, Jacqueline Salotti

Communicating Science/ Getting the message out

Jan, Cristina

Business of science (Marketing)

Barbara, Ishminder

Careers in Science Writing


Making yourself marketable

Ravikiran Yedidi, Jan

Conflict resolution ( Concurrent with career fair)

Kristin, Alyson

Please note that the sub-topics in the workshops are included just to serve as pointers

for the types of panelists we would like to have for the workshops.

Schedule of workshops

Day One – March 26th, 3:45 – 5:15 PM

1) Preclinical research and development/ From Discovery to Therapy

     a)    Drug development in industry

          1)     Small biotech (e.g.,ReGenX)

          2)    Bigger Pharma (e.g.,Medimmune)

     b)    National Center for translational therapeutics (NCTT)

     c)     NCI-CTEP – clinical research

     d)    FDA – Regulatory affairs

     e)    Patent lawyer w/a PhD

2) Careers in Science Writing

     a)    Science editor (Kristin Mueller)

     b)    Science writer for industry (Allison Bierly, Qiagen)

     c)     Journal

     d)    Grant writing

     e)    Health notes writer for the NIH

3) Making yourself marketable

     a)    How to figure out your career path/interest --tips for the undecided (OITE)

     b)    Networking / Using social media in job search (linkedin, social media etc…)

     c)     Improve your CV / Resume / Cover letter

     d)    Giving your best at the job interview (presenting yourself, job talk etc…)

     e)    Making the best out of a career fair

Day Two – March 27th, 9:45 – 11:15 AM

1) Business of science (Marketing)

     a)    Scientific consultant (Booz Allen)

     b)    Small business innovation research (SBIR-NCI)

     c)     Business analyst for venture capital/biotech funds

     d)    Health program specialist/Public health analyst

2) Career in Academia and Grants management

     a)    Money for your research --grant writing/young investigator grants (becoming independent)

     b)    Grants management (Jordan Irvin-DOD, CDMRP?)

     c)     Life as a junior faculty member (developing research ideas, writing grants, publishing)

     d)    Faculty careers in Research intensive schools (main focus on research/lab management)

     e)    Faculty careers in Teaching intensive schools (main focus on teaching, small liberal arts&science colleges)

3) Communicating Science/ Getting the message out (either Liz Bass or Rick Borchelt or all three sub-topics, depending on availability)

     a)     Science Journalism (Liz Bass)

     b)     Communicating science to lay audiences (Science outreach)

     c)    Medical Science Liaison

Day Two – March 27th, 2:15 – 3:45 PM

Side by side with career fair:

1) Conflict resolution

     a)     How to deal with conflicts

     b)     What to do / Whom to get help from

     c)     Research misconduct -> what to do and where to go

     d)    Solutions


 Workshops and co-chairs CCR-FYI Colloquium 2010  

| Workshops | Co-chairs |

1. Exploring careers for the 21st century

Raed Samara
Rachel DeKluyver

2.The job interview: Academia vs. Industry

Karobi Moitra
Rasmi Thomas

3.Science management

Stephanie Watkins
Jill Ford

4. Opportunities to build your resume

Jim Gould
Leslie Chinn

5. The art of science (writing/editing/speaking/teaching)

Rasmi Thomas
Karobi Moitra

6. Moving to industry

Raed Samara
Michael Abram

A CCR-wide vote was taken based on the potential workshops and based on this data the final workshops were chosen.

The program Survey Monkey was used for the surveys and the  data was analyzed by Christian Capitini.

Contact for workshop survey: Dr. Christian Capitini

List of potential workshops     

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