Contact Information

Surgical Pathology Office: (301) 480-8470
Fax: (301) 480-7173

Mailing Address:

General Surgical Pathology Section 
Laboratory of Pathology, CCR
National Cancer Institute
9000 Rockville Pike 
Building 10, Room 2S235C 
Bethesda, MD 20892

Specimen Collection Guide

Medical Staff:

Markku M. Miettinen, M.D.                     Martha Quezado, M.D. 
Section Head                                               Deputy Section Head
Building 10, Room 2S235                            Staff Pathologist
(301) 480-8947                                            Building 10, Room 2S235
                                                                    (301) 480-9867                 

Clinical Program Manager

Joseph W. Chinquee, DHSc, MT(ASCP)DLM
Building 10, Room 3N238A
(301) 480-8487

Additional General Surgical Pathology Faculty

David E. Kleiner, M.D., Ph.D.
Building 10, Room 3N238A
(301) 480-8487

Maria J. Merino, M.D.
Building 10, Room 3S235
(301) 480-8483

Elaine S. Jaffe, M.D.
Building 10, Room 3S235
(301) 480-8461

Stefania Pittaluga, M.D., Ph.D.
Building 10, Room 2S235
(301) 480-8465

Contact Information:

Intra-Operative Consult (Frozen Section) Resident:  102-10375 (8:30 AM - 5:00 PM)

Hot Seat Resident:  102-10376 (8:30 AM - 5:00 PM)

Pathology Resident On-Call (before 8:30 AM, after 5:00 PM, weekends, holidays):  (301) 496-1211 (NIH Page Operator)

Surgical Pathology Office:  (301) 480-8470

Tissue Procurement:  (301) 480-7178 or page 102-10376

Histology Laboratory:  (301) 480-8060

Frozen Section Laboratory:  (301) 402-9219



The following are guidelines to assure that the Clinical Services for General Surgical Pathology provides the highest quality coverage and consultant services during emergency situations such as inclement weather or disasters.


The Attending pathologist(s) on service is/are responsible for daily coverage on the designated weeks, following the approved schedule.  Service schedules, cover a period of three months and are approved and distributed ahead to all members on staff.

  1. When an attending is not available to cover his/her designated week, s/he assumes responsibility for finding and providing adequate coverage.

    If the designated attending CANNOT find coverage, he/she should contact the General Surgical Pathology Section Head immediately at the office, by beeper, or at home.

    The General Surgical Pathology Section Head or designee should be notified of any changes in the schedule.  This is necessary so the Surgical Pathology program assistants can contact the appropriate person on service.

  2. In case of inclement weather, the attending on In-House Service becomes the “Emergency Pathologist”.

    If it is not possible for the Attending to reach the Clinical Center (hospital) because of the weather circumstances, the Attending on Service becomes responsible for finding and providing coverage.  The Emergency Attending pathologist must immediately notify the General Surgical Pathology Section Head who will assist in finding adequate coverage.

    If it becomes impossible for any attending to reach the hospital, the Section Head will notify the Chief of the Laboratory of Pathology, and inform him/her of the unusual circumstances. An alternate solution will be established in the attempt to have coverage of the service.

  3. An updated list including the home phone, cell phone,  and pagers of all the Surgical Pathology Attendings will be circulated monthly. 


All clinical program support staff is considered critical or emergency personnel. All staff will make every effort to reach the hospital during emergency or inclement weather because the Laboratory of Pathology has patient care responsibilities.

Note:   Attendance is mandatory even in those situations that the Federal Government’s Office of Personnel Management (OPM) announces that Federal Government offices in theWashingtonD.C.metropolitan area will be closed.

If it is not possible to reach the hospital during an emergency, the program support staff will attempt to contact (in order of precedence until someone is reached):

    1. the General Surgical Pathology Office (or Hematopathology Office); or
    2. the Surgical Pathology Section Head (or Hematopathology Chief); or 
    3. the Clinical Laboratory Manager; or
    4. the Office of the Chief.
    5. If unable to speak with someone, the employee will leave a message on his/her supervisor’s voicemail. An email is acceptable to accompany the voicemail, but the employee must leave a voicemail if unable to reach someone in the department. 

In the event that multiple program support staff are unable to report to work and one of the offices has to be closed (i.e. General Surgical Pathology or Hematopathology Office), the remaining staff will:

    1. Transfer the unoccupied offices’ phone to the open office;
    2. Place a sign on the unoccupied office’s door to inform non-LP visitors/customers to report to the open office for assistance;
    3. Send an email to LP Chief, Clinical Chiefs, Clinical Staff, Clinical Technical Staff (specifically Histology), Residents and Fellows to inform everyone that one of the offices will be unsupported. The message should identify who will be providing clinical clerical support, and that support services will be limited due to short staffing.

It is acceptable within an office to alternate inclement weather coverage between employees, but this schedule has to be approved by the Section Head.

    1. For example, the Hematopathology or Surgical Pathology program assistants can alternate who will be responsible for coverage during the next snow emergency, and alternate who will be responsible for the subsequent emergency.
    2. This schedule should be agreed upon by the office staff and approved by the section head, and should be posted on a calendar in the office. 
    3. If the responsible party is not able to report to work on their scheduled emergency coverage day, s/he will be required to find coverage.

Last updated by Lumelski, Victoria (NIH/NCI) [E] on Jan 25, 2024