All user images and data are backed up on the Terabyte server. This system allows you to access your images and data. However, you will not be able to save to the Terabyte. You should find all your images there.

Setting up the Terabyte server on Your Computer

For PC users:

  1. Map a network drive on your PC by opening up the list of drives on your computer
  2. Select "Tools\Map Network Drive" from the tool bar.
  3. A new window will come up. Select the "T" drive or an available drive designation and enter the following path  \\\Group12\LECIMAGE in the folder space.
  4. Your images will now be found on the T drive of your computer in LECIMAGE/IMAGES folder.  
  5. Software for the Zeiss confocals are stored on the terabyte in LECIMAGE/SOFTWARE folder for your use. The Zeiss 710, Zeiss 780, and Zeiss 880  use the new ZEN software. The ZEN Light version (ZENBlue 2.5) can be copied  from the terabyte server and has to be install on your computer. It does not open from the server. The ZEN full licensed software are available on the workstations in the confocal lab. All software only works with PCs, not MACs.

For Mac users, you need to connect to the server through the “GO” function and then type in “smb://” and be sure the network is NIH (not NCI).

If you have any questions or problems, contact Langston Lim.

Last updated by Lim, Langston (NIH/NCI) [E] on Sep 14, 2018