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Lab Loader Interface Frequently Asked Questions

Lab Loading Turnaround

  • CRIS labs take at least 72 hours to become available in LLI/C3D from the moment results became available in CRIS. Until then, trying to troubleshoot the problem might be possible.

Lab Loader Study Configuration

  • For studies using LLI, the Off Study Date is normally the cut-off point.
  • For studies not using LLI (automatic load and usually the case for studies prior to 2008), the Off Treatment Date is normally the cut-off point.

Troubleshooting lab loading issues

Labs that come to C3D are preprocessed to check their validity and if they are applicable for the protocol.

Labs which fail these checks are automatically rejected. Labs that don't apply to the study or are before the Date to Start Including Labs or after the Off Treatment Date (study does not users LLI) or Off Study Date (study uses LLI) are automatically archived.

Rejected and automatically archived labs are not displayed in LLI.

There are several J-Review reports to check if labs were received and/or rejected. They can be found under the 'Labs/Mappings and Labs/rejected' folders.

Below is a J-Review report (Labs Received – Excludes Duplicates) that can be used to determine if labs have been received, loaded, archived or rejected and why.

When you run the report it will ask for some parameters.
In the screenshot below I have disabled all of them except the sample date >= and then provided July 30, 2012 date.
This criterion lists all results on/after 7/30 for all the patients on the study.

Below is a screenshot of the report’s output.

The last two columns show the Error Reason (which actually also shows if the lab was loaded, update or deleted) and Load Flag. These are the most common load flag codes:

  • C (loaded) or U (loaded as an update) indicates the labs was loaded in C3D.
  • E (error) indicates that lab has an error or is before on study or after off study.
  • A (archived) indicates the lab was archived.
  • L (load) indicates the lab is in the load cart.
  • R (Review) indicates the lab is in LLI and ready to be reviewed (to load or archive).

Explanation of common rejections reasons and course of actions:




Invalid Results

These are lab results such as: NOTES, See Below, See Notes. These are test which the actual results appear in the CRIS extended results section which is a free-text and we don't get it.

Manually enter the test result in C3D as an unplanned lab panel visit. If the exact same panel already exists in C3D (because the other test results loaded), leave the source of the lab blank (don't pick 'DLM').

Lab test is unmapped

The CRIS lab test does not have a mapping to a C3D test or the mapping got broken by a change in the CRIS test name/codes.

Submit a ticket with patient MRN, test names (CRIS and C3D) and date/time.

Patient on Study more than once

There are two patients in C3D with the same MRN. Once that happens, no labs will load in both patient positions.

Resolution 1: If the study allows for re-enrollment, submit a ticket requesting the study's lab loader configuration to allow for patient re-enrollment.
Resolution 2: Correct the MRN in one of the patient positions. Submit a ticket to re-process labs for both patient positions.

Invalid Unit of Measurement

Lab results has a UOM that is not recognized.

If the UOM is a valid for the test, submit a ticket to NCICB.

Panel Limit Reached



Before the 'Date From Which to Start Including Labs'

Lab sample date is before the Date from which to start including labs.

This is simply a warning and not really an error unless the Date from which to start including labs has been changed. If that is the case, submit a ticket to NCICB indicating that the date was changed and that labs for the patient needs to be reprocessed.

After the 'Off Treatment date' (automatically lab load) or after 'Off Study Date' (for LLI studies)

Lab sample date is after the configured 'stop' date.

his is simply a warning and not really an error unless the Date Off Treatment or Date Off Study has been changed. If that is the case, submit a ticket to NCICB indicating that the date was changed and that labs for the patient needs to be reprocessed.

Labs are not coming to C3D

Labs will only come for a patient after the MRN, Institute and data from which to start including labs are entered in the enrollment CRF.

Or Study is not configured or configured.

Resolution 1: Verify MRN, Institute and data from which to start including labs. Note that any of these 3 fields have been changed and if labs have been already processed you MUST submit a ticket to NCICB.
Resolution 2: If the above enrollment fields are correct and have not been changed, submit a ticket to NCICB to verify configuration and if we are received CRIS labs.

Labs stopped loading for a patient or all patients.

Most likely another patient positions has the same MRN as another patient on study.

Verify the MRNs and submit a ticket if the problem is not related to the MRNs or if the MRNs were changed.

Some labs results for a panel are missing while others are available

Sometimes the panel's data is not sent to C3D on the same day.

If the problem persists for more than a couple of days, submit a ticket to NCICB.

Normal Value Too Long

The lab results and/or normal range is too long and will not fit in C3D.

This is really not common, but if it happens often for a lab needed, then submit a ticket to NCICB.

Last updated by Fontinha, Marcelo (NIH/OD) [E] on Aug 09, 2012