Center of Excellence in Immunology Seminar Series

One Tuesday a month, from 12:00-1:00 PM, unless otherwise indicated

to be held online until further notice


Jan 9th

  • Chuan Wu, M.D., Ph.D., Stadman Investigator, Experimental Immunology Branch, “Gut-liver axis calibrates intestinal stem cell fitness”
  • Jennifer Kanakry, M.D., Senior Clinician, NIH Hematology Oncology Fellowship, “Graft versus Tumor Effect in Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation”

Feb 6th

  • Natalie Porat-Shliom, Ph.D., Stadtman Investigator, Thoracic and GI Malignancies Branch, “A Spatial Map of Hepatic Mitochondria Uncovers Functional Heterogeneity Shaped by Nutrient-Sensing Signaling”
  • James N. Kochenderfer, M.D.,Senior Investigator, Surgery Branch, “Adoptive T-cell Therapies for Hematologic Malignancies”

March 5th

  • Michail Lionakis, M.D., Sc.D. Chief, Fungal Pathogenesis Section, NIAID. “AIRE deficiency: A treatable IFN-?-opathy”
  • Chen Zhao, M.D., Stadtman Investigator, Thoracic and GI Malignancies Branch, “Targeting intratumor bacteria to overcome immunotherapy resistance in NSCLC”

April 2nd

  • Christine Heske, M.D., Investigator, Head, Translational Sarcoma Biology Section, Pediatric Oncology Branch, CCR. “Targeting DNA damage repair in immunologically “cold” pediatric sarcoma”
  • Vid Leko, M.D., Physician-Scientist Early Investigator, Myeloid Malignancies Program “Diversifying Cancer Neoantigen Targets for T Cell-Based Immunotherapy”

 May 7th

  • Amiran Dzutsev, Ph.D, M.D., Stadtman Investigator, Laboratory of Integrative Cancer Immunology, “Integrating Microbiome into the Cancer Immunotherapy Equation”
  • Jonathan Hernandez, M.D., Investigator, Surgical Oncology Program, “Liver Colonization: From the Operating Room to the Mouse to the Ex Vivo Liver”

June 11th

  •  Kylynda Bauer, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow Greten Laboratory, Thoracic and GI Malignancies Branch, “Gut Microbes Influence Neuroimmune Interactions in Liver Cancer”
  • Christian Mayer Ph.D., Stadtman Tenure-Track Investigator, Experimental Immunology Branch, “Limited clonal deletion during B lymphocyte development”



Jan 10th

  • Claudia Kemper, Ph.D., Senior Investigator, NHLBI, Laboratory for Complement and Inflammation Research. “New tricks for a very old dog: the complosome and cell physiology”
  • Nicolas Çuburu, Ph.D., Staff scientist, Laboratory of Cellular Oncology, “Recruitment of Antiviral T Cells to Treat Virus Negative Tumors”

Feb 7th

  • Claudia Palena, Ph.D., Senior Investigator, Center for Immuno-Oncology, Head, Tumor Immunoregulation section. “Tumor cell plasticity mechanisms and their impact on cancer immunotherapy”
  • James Hodge, Ph.D., M.B.A. Senior Investigator, Center for Immuno-Oncology, Deputy director for translational research, Head, Immunotherapeutics section. “Exploiting Immunogenic Modulation and Immune Conditioning for Combining Cancer Immunotherapy Strategies with Standard-of-Care and Experimental Therapies”

March 7th

  • Anandani Nellan, PhD., M.P.H., Physician-Scientist Early Investigator, Pediatric Oncology Branch, NIH Distinguished Scholar. “Tumor mediated immunosuppression and CAR-T cell function in high-risk posterior fossa ependymoma”
  • Fatima Karzai, MD., Associate Research Physician, Genitourinary Malignancies Branch, Branch Clinical Director. “Immunotherapy in Prostate Cancer: How to Distinguish the Right from the Wrong”

April 11th

  • George Pavlakis, M.D., Ph.D., NCI Scientist Emeritus, Vaccine Branch, “Clinical Development of heterodimeric IL-15 cytokine for cancer immunotherapy”
  • Stephen K. Anderson, Ph.D., Senior Investigator, Cancer Innovation Laboratory, Head Molecular Immunology section. “NK cells to hematopoiesis, how promoter switches program cell fate”

May 2nd

  • Roxanne Tussiwand, Ph.D., Stadtman Investigator, Immune Regulation Unit, NIDCR. “Notch sets the molecular clock for T cell development”
  • Yinling Hu, Ph.D., Senior Investigator, Cancer Innovation Laboratory, Head Inflammation and Tumorigenesis section. “Oral Fungal Infection Constitutes Tumor Microenvironment”

June 13

  • Eugene Koonin, Ph.D., NIH distinguished Investigator, Evolutionary Genomics Research Group, NLM/NCBI “Antivirus defense systems in prokaryotes: astonishing diversity and emerging trends”
  • Mark R. Gilbert, M.D., Chief Neuro-Oncology Branch, CCR Deputy Director, Head, Translational Immunology Research Program. “Tackling the Challenge of Immunotherapy for Glioblastoma: Identifying Predictors of Response (and Failure)”

Sept 5th

  • David Milewski, Ph.D., Genetics Branch, “Integrative multi-omics for developing combination immunotherapies against pediatric tumors”
  • Ronald Germain, M.D., Ph.D., Chief, Laboratory of Immune System Biology; Director, Center for Advanced Tissue Imaging (CAT-I). “Using Advanced Multiplex Microscopy and Computational Tools to Analyze Immune Responses in the Tumor Microenvironment”

Oct 3rd

  • Avinash Bhandoola, M.B., B.S., Ph.D., Senior investigator, Laboratory of Genome Integrity; Head, T-Cell Biology and Development Unit; “Tissue-specific metabolic adaptation of type 3 innate lymphocytes in the gut requires transcription factor Tox2”
  • Jung-Hyun Park, Ph.D., Senior investigator, Experimental Immunology Branch; “One chain to rule them all: the common ?-chain cytokine receptor in T cell immunity”

Nov 7th

  • Sri Krishna,D., Stadtman investigator, Surgery Branch. “What can neoantigen-specific T cells teach us about human antitumor immunity? ”
  • Vassiliki Saloura, D., Ph.D., Stadtman investigator, Thoracic and GI Malignancies Branch “Next Generation ImmunoEpigenetics: Targeting SMYD3 in HPV-negative head and neck squamous cell carcinoma”

Dec 5th

  • Rémy Bosselut, M.D., Ph.D., Senior investigator, Laboratory of Immune Cell Biology.  “CD4 T cell responses to chronic infection and tumors; few answers, many questions”
  • Tiwary Shweta, Ph.D., Research Fellow, Vaccine Branch. “Omega 3 fatty acids enhance the efficacy of dendritic cell-based cancer vaccine in murine tumor models.”


Jan 4th

  • Ai Ing Lim, Postdoctoral research fellow, Yasmine Belkaid’s lab, NIAID. “Pre-birth immune education”
  • Udo Rudloff, Senior Investigator, Pediatric Oncology Branch, CCR. “Bivalent innate immune checkpoint designs to enhance anti-tumor responses via CD206-TLR2 co-ligation “

Feb 1st 

  • Stephanie Goff, Associate research physician, Surgery Branch, “Breast cancers are immunogenic: a cohort study of TIL from metastatic tumors”
  • Romina Goldszmid, Stadtman Investigator, Lab of Integrative Cancer Immunology, CCR. “Microbiota programs the tumor microenvironment to promote anticancer immunity “

March 1

  • Grégoire Altan-Bonnet, PhD, Senior Investigator, Laboratory of Integrative Cancer Immunology, CCR. “Robotic mapping of T cell activation dynamics in high dimension to quantify tumor antigenicity”
  • Ken-Ichi Hanada, M.D., Ph.D., Staff Scientist, Surgery Branch, CCR. “A Phenotypic Signature That Identifies Neoantigen-Reactive CD4 and CD8 T cells in Fresh Human Lung Cancers"

April 5

  • Jay A. Berzofsky, M.D, Ph.D., Chief, Vaccine Branch. “Nanoparticle mucosal vaccine against COVID-19 to prevent infection and transmission”
  • Clint Allen, M.D, Principal investigator, Translational Tumor Immunology Section, NIHBC. “Neoadjuvant immunotherapy as a feasible path forward to improve recurrence free survival in epithelial cancers”,

May 3rd

  • Rosa Nguyen, MD, PhD., Pediatric Oncology Branch. “Immunocytokines for the therapy of neuroblastoma”
  • Scott K Durum, PhD., Laboratory of Cancer Immunometabolism. “The IL-7R pathway in acute lymphoblastic leukemia"

June 14th

  • Christina M. Annunziata, M.D., Ph.D., Senior Investigator, Women Malignancies Branch. “Monocytes and interferons as an intraperitoneal therapy for ovarian cancer”
  • Daniel W. McVicar, Ph.D., Senior Investigator, Laboratory of Cancer Immunometabolism. “The peritoneal metabolic niche: A role for TREM2?”

Sept 6th

  • Sung-Yun Pai, M.D., Senior Investigator, Immune Deficiency Cellular Therapy Program. “Gene therapy for Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome”
  • Luigi D. Notarangelo, M.D., Chief, Laboratory of Clinical Immunology and Microbiology, Chief, Immune Deficiency Genetics Section. “Multi-omics dissection of the immunopathology of RAG deficiency”

Oct 4th

  • Genoveffa Franchini, M.D., Senior Investigator, Vaccine Branch. “Monocytes Efferocytosis, Variable Region 2 (V2) Specific ADCC and mucosal NKp44 cells associated with HIV vaccine candidate efficacy”
  • Robert Yarchoan, M.D., Chief, HIV and AIDS Malignancy Branch; Senior Investigator, Head, Viral Oncology Section. “KSHV-Induced Inflammatory Disorders: Multicentric Castleman Disease and KICS”

Nov 1st

  • Li Yang, Ph.D., Senior Investigator, Head, Tumor Microenvironment and Metastasis, Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Genetics.  “Tumor suppressors: a critical link to the immune microenvironment, implication in immune checkpoint blockade”
  • Peter McGuire, M.S., M.B.B.Ch., Investigator, Metabolic Medicine Branch, NHGRI. “Primary mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation defects lead to perturbations in the human B cell repertoire”

Dec 6th

  • Mary Carrington, Ph.D., Senior Investigator, Laboratory of Integrative Cancer Immunology, Head, HLA Immunogenetics section. “Multitasking of genetic polymorphism at the HLA class I locus T”
  • Chris Kanakry, M.D., Lasker Clinical Research Scholar, Center for Immuno-Oncology. “Post-transplantation cyclophosphamide: bench to bedside and back again”


 Jan 5th

  • Jon Ashwell, Chief, Laboratory of Immune Cell Biology. “Tumor cell-generated glucocorticoids as an immune checkpoint”
  • Rosie Kaplan, Pediatric Oncology Branch “Myeloid cells as key regulators of metastasis“

Feb 2nd

  • Steven Rosenberg, Chief, Surgery Branch. ” Adoptive cell therapy for human solid epithelial cancers”
  • James Kochenderfer, Surgery Branch. “ Chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapies for hematologic malignancies“

March 2nd

  • Masashi Watanabe, Experimental Immunology Branch. “B7-CD28 co-stimulation in innate and adaptive alpha beta T cell development”
  • Noa Holtzman, Immune Deficiency Cellular Therapy Program. “JAK inhibition in treatment of Chronic Graft-versus-Host Disease"

April 6th

  • Giorgio Trinchieri, Chief, Laboratory of Integrative Cancer Immunology, CCR. “Targeting the microbiome in cancer immunotherapy”
  • Harry Malech, Chief, Genetic Immunotherapy Section, NIAID. “Antibody mediated myeloid conditioning: Overview of the field and early clinical experience”

May 4th

  • Lakshmi Balagopalan-Bhise, Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology, CCR. “A journey into T cell Activation: Enjoy the CAR ride”
  • Raffit Hassan, Chief, Thoracic and GI Malignancies Branch, CCR. “Mesothelin Targeted Cell Therapy for Malignant Mesothelioma"

June 1st

  • Noriko Sato, Molecular Imaging Branch, CCR. “Rapid depletion of intra-tumoral Tregs leads to immune activation and tumor vessel regression"
  • Pete Choyke, Chief, Molecular Imaging Branch, CCR. “Toward antiCD25 Photoimmunotherapy of cancer”

Sept 15th 

  • Jeffrey Schlom, Chief, Laboratory of Immunology and Tumor Biology, CCR. “Combination Immunotherapy in HPV Associated Malignancies. Part 1 Basic/Translational Studies”
  • Julius Strauss, Laboratory of Immunology and Tumor Biology, CCR. “Combination Immunotherapy in HPV Associated Malignancies-Part 2. Clinical Studies”

Oct 5th

  • Glenn Merlino, Scientific Director for Basic Research, CCR “Modeling the initiation, progression and treatment of human melanoma in the mouse”.
  • James Yang, Senior Investigator, Surgery Branch, CCR. “Targeting Driver Mutations with T-Cells: Concept and Complexity “

Nov 2nd

  • Mitchell Ho, Deputy Chief, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, CCR. “Glypicans as Solid Tumor Targets for CAR T Cell Therapy”
  • Tim Greten, Deputy Chief, Thoracic and GI Malignancies Branch, CCR. “The immune environment in the liver dictates anti-tumor immune responses to liver tumors “

Dec 7th

  • Ira Pastan, Chief Emeritus, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, CCR “Highly Active CAR-T cells for Solid Tumor Therapy Containing an Antibody that Binds to a Juxta-membrane Non-shed Region of Mesothelin”
  • Robert Kreitman, Head, Clinical Immunotherapy Section, Laboratory Of Molecular Biology, CCR, “Targeting tumor antigens in patients while avoiding anti-drug antibodies, from mesothelin to CD22“


Jan 21st

  • Naomi Taylor, Pediatric Oncology Branch, “Metabolic regulation of T cell effector function: Perspectives for anti-tumor immunotherapy”
  • Nirali Shah, Pediatric Oncology Branch, “CAR T-cells and HLH: Exploring a Mechanistic Link”


Feb 18

  • Mary Carrington, Laboratory of Integrative Cancer Immunology, “Functional consequences of differential interactions between HLA class I allotypes and the peptide loading complex”
  • Jonathan Lyons, Translational Allergic Immunopathology Unit, NIAID, “Dualistic impact of increased germline TPSAB1 copy number on AML risk and survival”

Dec 8th

  • Devaiah Ballachanda, Experimental Immunology Branch, “MYC protein stability is negatively regulated by BRD4”
  • Jennifer Kanakry, Experimental Transplantation and Immunotherapy Branch, “Augmenting Host Lymphodepletion in the Transplantation of Patients with Malignant and Non-Malignant Disorders of T-cell Proliferation”


January 15  Catherine Bollard, Director, Center for Cancer and Immunology, Children’s Research Institute, Washington, DC.  

 "Overcoming Tumor Immune Evasion Strategies to Enhance Cell Therapies for Cancer"               

Monday, Feb 25 (SPECIAL LECTURE) from 2-3 PM

Yardena Samuels -Dept of Molecular Cell Biology, Weizmann Institute of Science. 

Deciphering the Immunogenomic Landscape in Melanoma


April 16  Luigi  Notarangelo, Chief, Laboratory of Clinical Immunology and Microbiology, NIAID

 “New developments in human thymic development defects”                             

May 21 Christian Hinrichs, Investigator, Experimental Transplantation and Immunology Branch, CCR, NCI 

. “T cell receptor gene therapy for HPV-associated cancers                         

June 18    James Kochenderfer, Investigator, Experimental Transplantation and Immunology Branch, CCR, NCI   

"Chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy for hematologic malignancies"

Sept 17   Eytan Ruppin, Chief, Cancer Data Science Laboratory, CCR, NCI

A tale of two tales: a puzzling research question and a new immune-relevant analysis tool



Oct 15  Kapil Bharti, Senior Investigator, NEI

Autologous iPS Cell Therapy for Macular Degeneration: From Bench-To-Bedside

Nov 19 John Tisdale, Sr. Investigator, NHLBI

"Towards Curative Therapies for Sickle Cell Disease"

Dec 17 Cynthia Dunbar, Sr. Investigator, NHLBI



Jan 16  Mike Lenardo, Chief, Molecular Development of the Immune System Section, Laboratory of Immunology, NIAID

 “Gene discovery yields precision medicine therapies for congenital immune disorders”

Feb 20 Jonathan Yewdell, Head, Cell Biology Section, Lab of Viral Diseases, NIAID

“Translating T Cell Immunity: Literally”

March 27 Remy Bosselut, Senior Investigator, Laboratory of Immune Cell Biology, CCR, NCI

“‘From thymus to tumors: Thpok as a keystone of CD4 T cell differentiation and responses’

April 17 Warren Leonard,NIH Distinguished Investigator,  Laboratory of Molecular Immunology, NHLBI

The ?c Family of Cytokines "


Oct 16  Tim Greten, Deputy Chief, Thoracic and GI Malignancies Branch.

“The gut-liver axis and anti-tumor immunity”

Nov 20  Nick Restifo, Chair, CCR Center of Excellence in Immunology; Senior Investigator, Surgery Branch

“Dysfunction and stemness of tumor-infiltrating T cells are triggered by a common mechanism

Dec 18  Larry Samelson, Chief, Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology

TCR-mediated signal transduction: Signaling complexes and microclusters

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Last updated by Linnekin, Diana (NIH/NCI) [E] on Jun 14, 2024