J-Review Requirements and First Time Use Instructions


  1. Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.8 later. If not installed, page will redirect to the Oracle's Java website.

Contact your IT support help desk if you don't have JRE installed or have an older version installed

First Time Use

Open the JReview Login page ( https://octrials-rpt.nci.nih.gov/ ) and click on the JReview Webstart button. Java starts and soon after the JReview Login window appears. Enter your C3D account and password. The Database Server and SAS Server fields will be auto-populated.  Click OK to login.

Once you login successfully, JReview will remember your user name and database and SAS server. You will only need to provide your password. It is recommended to not save the password.

Last updated by Nuzhat, Mahpara (NIH/NCI) [C] on Mar 31, 2023