Ambulance Process 

Ambulance Request Form

Financial Assessment Process

Master list of interpreter languages

NCI Direct Bill Process 

All requests for Direct Bills:

  • Patient must have a financial assessment performed by social work (via an ATV request)
  • Once approved, please follow the instructions on the Patient Support Services link.

Immigration: Please visit the Clinical Center website for information

If you have an international patient coming to the NIH, the Social Work department has resources to help. Notify Social Work asap using the email:

If you need an inbound ambulance from another facility (the 1 page form) – this is what ADMISSIONS does. 

If you need an outbound ambulance (the 3 page form) – this is what SOCIAL WORK does.

If you are requesting a body/body part transportation to the CC for autopsy – this is what ADMISSIONS does.  Click here to Patient Support Services page for more information.

Last updated by Yu, Theresa (NIH/NCI) [E] on Dec 17, 2020