PASSC (Pair-to-Pair Alignment of Sequence-Structure Correlation)

I. To Create Hk2 and Tk2 Matrices in Binary Format:

% HscoreTbin PAH.score PAH.score.bin

% SscoreTbin SEC.score SEC.score.bin

Hk2 and TK2 matrices in binary format example

Please make sure those two binaries PAH.score.bin and SEC.score.bin are in the same directory as the passc program.

II. To Create PASSC Format File:

% mkpsc (*.env) (outpout *.psc) (description)

Use the mkpsc command within the passc program and the passc format file will be created in the same directory.

PASSC format file example

One can also compile the mkpsc.c to generate the mkpsc program. mkpsc program example

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Last updated by Fox, Susan (NIH/NCI) [E] on Jun 22, 2011