Cross-Reactivity Antibody Survey
Antibody Validation Chart

The goal of the Comparative Oncology Program (COP) is to include the naturally occurring cancers seen in pet animals into studies of cancer biology and therapy. As part of its reagent kit, the COP has developed several tissue microarrays that have been used to validate human antibodies that cross-react with canine tissues. This validation array is also used to gain information on expression pattern, intensity, and distribution of target proteins. The array includes canine tumors and normal tissue, along with human tumors and normal tissue. The COP has collected canine normal tissues, human normal tissues, and human tumor tissues.

Immunohistochemistry and Western blots will be used for the survey of the human antibodies for cross reactivity in canine tissues. Antibodies have been provided commercially from several companies as well as the NCI Antibody Core. For a list of antibodies that are currently being validated, please click here This list is updated frequently.

A multi-tumor validation array is being constructed using canine tumors and normal tissue, along with human tumors and normal tissues. Starting with phospho-antibodies, validation of each antibody using the new array will be performed.

Western Blot
Each antibody will also be validated using Western blots. Frozen tumor and normal tissue have been collected and, by using tissue lysates, Western validation has begun.

For information regarding the Cross-Reactivity Antibody Survey, please contact Christina Mazcko