I. Purpose
The purpose of the Center for Cancer Research (CCR) Science Board (CSB) is to establish a venue to provide input from the intramural community to the Director, CCR, on scientific and technology programs and strategies. In particular, the CSB oversees and develops non-PI-based programs within the CCR. The CSB is complementary to the Board of Scientific Counselors (BSC) in that it does not review the base resource allocations of individual PIs or Laboratories/Branches. Input from the CSB will be considered by the Director in combination with feedback and suggestions from other components of the CCR, the BSC and NCI leadership.
II. Duties and Responsibilities
The CSB has three specific duties:
1.) Review progress of ongoing non-PI-based intramural CCR programs
The CSB acts as the primary review panel for ongoing non-PI-based programs (Major Opportunities, Rare Tumor Initiative, others). In this function, the CSB evaluates the progress reports of each Program Team as per the requirements described in the specific program guidelines. The CSB evaluates progress, scientific impact, effectiveness, budget and resource allocation during the review period. The CSB also provides scientific and strategic input to the individual Program Team. At each review, the CSB makes a recommendation as to continuation of the program award.
2.) Develop new non-PI-based CCR intramural programs
The CSB makes recommendations to the CCR Director regarding topics and organizational framework for new intramural non-PI-based programs. The CSB, either independently or by consultation with ad hoc advisors, reviews proposals submitted to program competitions and makes recommendations to the CCR Director regarding their priority. The CSB also makes recommendations to the CCR Director regarding the suitability and level of support of existing CCR technology resources (Cores) as well as the need for implementation of new technology resources.
All recommendations submitted to the CCR Director should indicate the degree to which they reflect a consensus among Board members. Dissenting opinions and views should be addressed so that the Director can fully evaluate input.
3.) Provide input into CCR science strategy and vision
Upon the CCD Director’s request, the CSB evaluates the CCR science portfolio and highlights to the CCR Director underexplored scientific areas of potentially high impact and growth potential. The CSB may also aid in evaluating unsolicited proposals submitted to the Director from individual or groups of PIs. The CSB may also advise on suitability and effectiveness of CCR organizational structures.
III. Membership
a. Representation
The Board shall be comprised of ~20, and not fewer than 15, members, excluding the Chairperson, appointed by the CCR Director. A subset of CCR Deputy Directors shall serve on the Board at all times. Membership shall be diverse and representing the broad range of science conducted in the CCR and of the spectrum of roles and interests of the community, in areas such as clinical and basic research interests, location of work sites (Bethesda or NCI-Frederick) and gender.
b. Length of Terms and Types of Positions
The CCR Director shall appoint the board members, including the Chairperson. Board members are appointed to a maximum of two renewable three-year terms. The Chair shall facilitate and coordinate Board meetings, coordinate submission of recommendations to the Director and report as needed on progress of intramural non-PI-based programs to the BSC.
IV. Subcommittees and Ad-hoc Working Groups
The CSB may constitute and disband subcommittees and ad hoc working groups, including participants outside of CSB board, as needed to carry out the responsibilities of the Board. At least four CSB members shall participate in any ad hoc working group.
V. Records & Reporting
Minutes will indicate meeting attendance, summarize issues discussed, and specify action items and responsible individuals. A staff member appointed from the CCR Office of the Director will serve as the Executive Secretary to assist the CAB Chairperson in the preparation of agendas, minutes and recommendations to the Director. The Executive Secretary shall ensure that the current CSB membership is updated on the CCR intranet.
VI. Amendments
This charter may be amended by the Director CCR, or by recommendation of a majority of the membership of the Board and approval by the CCR Director.