Oncology Nursing Grand Rounds

Oncology Nursing Grand Rounds provides a forum to strengthen and integrate nursing research into oncology nursing practice using an evidence-based practice framework. The goal of evidence-based practice is to use evidence to guide interventions that will enhance the quality, outcomes, and cost effectiveness of care. This can be expanded beyond just practice to education and publications as well. Examples of topics that might be presented include: review of literature, treatment and care guidelines for selected clinical topics (e.g., pain, psychosocial distress), asking and answering research questions in clinical practice, oncology nursing-sensitive outcomes. All nurses at the NIH are welcome to attend.

  • There will be 2-3 Oncology Nursing Grand Rounds offered annually.
  • See schedule below for topic, speaker and location (all are currently held virtually) 
  • For more information, please contact the main Office of Education and Compliance email NCICCROEC@mail.nih.gov.


    March 15, 2024

    12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Challenges to Implementing Recommended Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy Assessment and Management Strategies into Clinical PracticeDr. Robert Knoerl, Ph.D., RNPresentation


    Click the down arrow next to the title on this link  to download the recording in order to listen

    December 1, 2023

    12:00 PM - 1:00 PMCancer Genetics and Prevention: Nursing Practice and Science ImplicationsDr. Meghan Underhill-Blazey, Ph.D., APRN, AOCNSPresentationRecording
    March 3, 202312:00 PM - 1:00 PM Interprofessional Communication Curriculum Dr. Betty Ferrell Ph.D., M.S.N., R.N., CHPN, FAAN, FPCN,PresentationRecording


Last updated by Kirby, Tracy (NIH/NCI) [E] on Mar 18, 2024