NOTE: this download page is no longer active. Please go to to download NESTA-NMR. The form below no longer links to the software. Thank you


NESTA-NMR is a robust, accurate, and very fast software suite for the reconstruction of non-uniformly sampled (NUS) NMR data. NESTA-NMR integrates with NMRPipe to provide a simple and convenient processing pipeline.

Requirements for NESTA-NMR

NESTA-NMR includes binaries for 64-bit Mac OS X and Linux operating systems and is expected to run on a variety of modern hardware, ranging from laptops to clusters.

More Information

For further information, please see the manual provided in the download and the following manuscript describing NESTA-NMR:

Sun, S., Gill, M., Li, Y., Huang, M., and Byrd, R.A. "Efficient and generalized processing of multidimensional NUS NMR data: the NESTA algorithm and comparison of regularization terms", Journal of Biomolecular NMR, online March 26, 2015, doi: 10.1007/s10858-015-9923-x.

Mailing List

There is a mailing list for NESTA-NMR. This is a low volume list for announcements about updates to NESTA-NMR. Only developers are allowed to post. All users are encouraged to sign up to the list to stay updated about improvements to the program.

Currently there is not a discussion list for users, but one may be created in the future if there is sufficient interest in NESTA-NMR. The creation of such a list would be mentioned on the announcement list above, so all users of NESTA-NMR are encouraged to sign up.

Obtaining NESTA-NMR

NESTA-NMR is provided free of charge. To download the program, submit your name and email using the form below and you will be redirected to a download page. Your name and email are requested for the sole purpose of tracking usage of NESTA-NMR. 

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