Operating Status - Open (with some restrictions)

Covid-19 Safety and Updated Microscopy Core Operating Guidelines

  1. ??If you are experiencing or showing any potential Covid-19 symptoms please do not use the facility. 
  2. Masks are optional for users and staff while in the lab. Gloves are optional.
  3. Hand sanitizer will be available at the entryways/exits of the microscopy lab.
  4. Microscopy core staff will continue to disinfect the microscope surfaces with alcohol wipes before each user.
  5. Adhere to ?signs stating that this is a shared user facility, and that commonly touched surfaces are a possible Covid-19 transmission danger.
  6. A short refractory period of 15 minutes between microscope appointments will remain to allow for exchange of microscope room air.?
  7. Used PPE (i.e. used gloves and masks) should be disposed of in provided trash containers in the hallways outside of the individual microscope rooms.
  8. Two sessions per day will be available for each microscope (9am-12:30pm and 1pm-5pm). Overnight imaging reservations are available with advanced notification.? Once the microscopy core is fully staffed (staff returning from full time teleworking) the reservation calendar will be less restricted.

Welcome to the CCR Microscopy Core Facility! Building 37, Room B114, Bethesda, MD! 

The CCR Microscopy Core provides NCI investigators access to state-of-the-art imaging tools and techniques, including light sheet fluorescence, high-resolution confocal, multi-photon, and super-resolution microscopy. The mission of the CCR Microscopy Core Facility is to support the microscopy and digital imaging needs of investigators studying the biological structures and cellular processes involved in the cell biology of cancer by applying our diverse imaging resources, expertise and quality customer service. The goal is to provide cutting-edge imaging technology, expert consultation and training, image analysis, and data management for investigators to advance their cancer research.The Facility's equipment includes a

Techniques available in the Core include: 1) high resolution confocal microscopy, including live cell imaging methods of FRAP, FRET, FLIM, and photoactivation, 2) multi-photon imaging, including second harmonic generation, 3) super-resolution imaging by either structured illumination microscopy (SIM) or Airyscan detection, and 4) light sheet fluorescence microscopy for imaging live, fixed or cleared biological samples. Confocal microscopy for imaging fluorescently labeled specimens and permitting accurate optical sectioning for volumetric studies, such as large extended field of view tile imaging of tumor samples. Specialized microscopy-based assays and imaging techniques such as photoswitching of specialized fluorescent proteins to monitor the dynamics of sub-cellular structural components by live cell Airyscan super-resolution microscopy. Light sheet microscopy for optical sectioning of large intact samples, such as zebrafish embryos and iPSC derived organoids.

Advanced image processing and analysis workstations are also available with several software packages: