The 5th Annual CCR Staff Scientist and Staff Clinician Retreat is open to all NCI Staff Scientists and Staff Clinicians and provides a venue to showcase our research, secure funding for travel, forge new collaborations and receive training pertaining to their performance review.

Participating SS/SC will be invited to submit scientific abstracts for a poster session and compete for one of three $1.500 travel awards for travel to a meeting of their choice. Selection will be made by a 3-member panel appointed by the retreat organizing committee. Winners will be required to participate in SS/SC activities by serving on a panel for selection of Abstracts for the following year award competition. Award categories:
a) Translational and collaborative
b) Outstanding basic science
c) Outstanding clinical science

There will be a showcase of Core Resources, including those provided by SAIC as well as individual core facilities in the Bethesda campus, aimed at enhancing the productivity of individual SS/SC by presenting the tools and support available in the CCR.

  • The meeting date and venue have been confirmed:
    • date: Monday 5/18/2009
    • place: Neuroscience Bldg. 6001 Executive Blvd. Rm A1/A2, B1/B2, C and D
    • time: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM

  • The purpose of this meeting is to provide Staff Scientist and Staff Clinicians in CCR a venue to showcase their research, secure funding for travel, forge new collaborations and receive training pertaining to their performance review.
  • Dr Irving Weissman, Director, Institute of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, will be the keynote speaker at the retreat.
  • The meeting will also feature short talks by past recipients of the NCI Director Innovation Award that are SSSC.
  • Participating SSSC will be invited to submit scientific abstracts for a poster session and compete for one of three $1.500 travel awards for travel to a meeting of their choice. Selection will be made by a 3-member panel appointed by the retreat organizing committee. Winners will be required to participate in SSSC activities by serving on a panel for selection of Abstracts for these awards for the following year. Award categories:
    1. Translational and collaborative
    2. Outstanding basic science
    3. Outstanding clinical science
  • The poster session will enable participants to discuss ongoing research with other investigators and forge new collaborations, thus enhancing interaction within the NCI.
  • A workshop dedicated to understanding the process of quadrennial review is also planned as part of the training and to provide means to improve individual performance.
  • There will also be a showcase of Core Resources, including those provided by SAIC as well as individual core facilities in the Bethesda campus, aimed at enhancing the productivity of individual SSSC by presenting the tools and support available in the CCR. This is of special importance for promoting translational research, as requested in the NIH Roadmap, since it will provide Staff Clinicians with access to research tools and collaborations that may not be readily apparent or accessible otherwise.
  • Tangibles: An Abstract Book including Biosketches of speaker and past innovation award winners will be generated. A Survey of satisfaction with the meeting will be completed at the end of the day that will also inform on the location and type of training classes to be offered at future meetings.

Keynote speaker: Official letter of invitation will be sent to Dr. Irving Weissman to be the at the retreat. He will be invited to stay for poster session and have lunch with a group of SS/SC - Ana.
Refreshments: Check on status of Form 2408 Request for Use of Appropriated Funds/Gift Funds for Light Refreshments/Meals - Ana.
Overview of Core Resources: Note time change for Core Resources. Contact Bruce Crise, Lionel Feigenbaum, MIF, Susan Garfield. There will be poster boards (5-10) available in room B next to AV-room (room A) for display. Request that Cores bring PI retreat posters - Yvona.
Innovation Award talk(s): Confirm the time slot for the NCI Director Innovation Award speakers, C. Marchand and J. Beutler. Request bios/bibliography - Vicky and Anita.
Abstract submission and travel awards: A total of 50 poster boards have been requested. They will be set-up in rooms C and D. Guidelines for abstract submission and reviewing need to be set-up using FARE, PI and fellows retreat guidelines - Ana.
NCI OWD & NIH Training Center Workshop: overview of the Office of Workforce Development (OWD) services and programs by Christina Bruce, et al - Mike and Ofelia
NCI OD speaker: Allison will contact Jeffrey N. Strathern, Deputy Director CCR and invite him to give a few feel-good remarks and announce the recipients of the travel awards.
Quad Review panel: Lynne Rockwood, Scientific Program Specialist and Jeffrey N. Strathern - Ofelia.
Parking: paid by OD.