*Meeting 07/10/08*
_Dial-in Number for Frederick: 700-848-1099_

+Purpose:+ To talk with previous Staff Scientists who have moved over into the Extramural Division of NCI in an attempt to identify skills for which we can offer training/workshops.

Invited Extramural Attendees
|Chris Hatch|NCI/DEA/ORRPC/OAA|6116/8047|301.594.1403|hatchc@mail.nih.gov|{color:green}YES{color}|
|Chamelli Jhappan|NCI/DBS/LCBG|EPN/5036|301.435.1878|jhappanc@mail.nih.gov|{color:green}YES{color}|
|Cindy Davis|NCI/DCP/NSR|EPN/3160|301.594.9692|davisci@mail.nih.gov|{color:blue}If necessary{color}|
|Irina Lubensky|NCI/DCTD/CDP|EPN/6032|301.496.7147|LubenskyI@mail.nih.gov|{color:red}No (unable){color}|
|Roy Wu|NCI/DCTD/CTE/CGC|EPN/7009|301.496.8866|WuR@mail.nih.gov|{color:red}No (Out of Town){color}|
|Elisa Woodhouse|NCI/DBS/CCBB|37/1066|301.402.4869|woodhousee@mail.nih.gov|not yet invited|


Invited Intramural Attendees
|Michael Difilippantonio| |Bethesda | | |
|Ofelia Olivero| |Bethesda | | |
|Ana Robles| |Bethesda | | |
|Perwez Husain| |Bethesda | | |
|Cathy Flanders| |Bethesda | | |
|Alyson Rattray| |Frederick | | |
|Jill Slattery| |Frederick| | |
|Zack Howard| |Frederick | | |
|Debbie Hodge| |Frederick| | |
|Warren Johnson| |Frederick | | |
|Lauren Wood| |Bethesda | | |
|Lyuba Vartikovsky| |Bethesda| | |
|James Pingpank| |Bethesda| | |
