Selection of Reference Laboratories

Reference laboratories are chosen based upon quality of performance. Specimens must be referred only to a CLIA-certified laboratory or a laboratory meeting equivalent requirements as determined by CMS. Documentation of CLIA certification of reference labs should be requested when specimens are sent to them for testing. The chiefs of each section are responsible for selecting reference labs when needed, and for monitoring quality of results and turnaround time. Consults are sent to reference pathologists based upon area of expertise and are selected by LP staff pathologists. LP retains copies of results received from reference labs or consultants.

Request for Material for Reference Laboratory Testing (Sendouts)

On occasion, LP staff are asked to process tissues (FFPE blocks or recut slides) for reference laboratory testing (tests not offered inhouse).  Although LP does not have a Sendout Technician, the Archivist will process some sendouts for supplemental tests ordered by LP pathologists to support clinical diagnosis.   Please note: under no circumstance is any patient material to be released outside of the Laboratory of Pathology (e.g. to researchers, collaborators, other laboratories, outside clinicians, nurses, etc.) by LP staff other than the Archivist. Release of ANY patient material for sendouts or for temporary release to non-LP staff MUST be processed ONLY by LP’s Archivist. The LP Archivist will document and track all released material, and subsequently follow up to ensure the case material is returned to LP’s archives.

Clinical Sendout Tests - Requested by an LP Pathologist

Clinical Sendout Tests - Not Requested by an LP Pathologist - Will be sent to a Reference Lab by the PI

Non-Clinical Sendout Requests