2013 Project Z Numbers

Investigator NameProject (ZO1) NumberProject Title
Acharya, JairajZIA BC 010331Phospholipid and Sphingolipid Signaling in Drosophila
Acharya, JairajZIA BC 011187Sphingolipid Signaling in Mammals
Adhya, SankarZIA BC 008751Regulation of Gene Transcription
Adhya, SankarZIA BC 010017Use of Bacteriophages to Prevent, Diagnose, and Treat Diseases
Agarwal, PiyushZIA BC 011458Molecular Targeted Photoimmunotherapy for Bladder Cancer
Agarwal, PiyushZIA BC 011527Androgen Receptor in Bladder Cancer
Agarwal, PiyushZIA BC 011528A Randomized, Prospective, Phase II Study to Determine the Efficacy of Bacillus
Agarwal, PiyushZIC BC 011531High Throughput Screening of Agents in Bladder Cancer Cell Lines
Aladjem, MiritZIA BC 010411Initiation of DNA Replication in Mammalian Cells
Aladjem, MiritZIA BC 010562Molecular Interaction Maps and Analysis of Bioregulatory Networks
Ambs, StefanZIA BC 010499Maryland Prostate Cancer Case-Control Study
Ambs, StefanZIA BC 010624The Molecular Profile of Prostate Tumors in African-American Men
Ambs, StefanZIA BC 010886Non-coding RNAs as Prognostic and Diagnostic Markers in Prostate Cancer
Ambs, StefanZIA BC 010887Novel Markers for Disease Outcome in Breast Cancer
Ambudkar, SureshZIA BC 010030Biochemical Analysis of Multidrug Resistance-linked Transport Proteins
Anderson, StephenZIA BC 010013Molecular Studies of Cellular Cytotoxicity
Annunziata, ChristinaZIA BC 011054Nuclear Factor-kappaB in Ovarian Cancer
Annunziata, ChristinaZIA BC 011315Molecular characterization of endometrial cancer
Aplan, PeterZIA SC 010378Activation of Proto-Oncogenes by Chromosomal Translocation
Aplan, PeterZIA SC 010379Mechanisms of Chromosomal Translocation
Aplan, PeterZIA BC 010982Collaborative Pathways that Lead to Leukemia
Aplan, PeterZIA BC 010983Pre-clinical Studies of Therapy for Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Apolo, AndreaZIA BC 011351Bladder Cancer Program
Appella, EttoreZIA BC 005599Tumor Suppressor Protein, p53
Appella, EttoreZIA BC 011197Regulation and Function of WIP1 Phosphatase and its Role in Tumor Cells
Arnaldez, FernandaZIA BC 011493Molecular Oncology of Pediatric, Adolescent and Young Adult Sarcomas
Arnaldez, FernandaZIA BC 011494Development of Therapeutic Approaches for Wild-Type GIST
Arthur, DianeZIA SC 010282Cytogenetic Studies of B-cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (B-CLL)
Arthur, DianeZIA BC 010692Significance of Marrow Karyotypes in Inherited Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes
Arthur, DianeZID BC 010694Clinical Cancer Cytogenetics
Ashwell, JonathanZIA BC 010774T Cell Alternative p38 Activation Pathway
Ashwell, JonathanZIA BC 010779Regulation and Consequences of Ubiquitination
Ashwell, JonathanZIA BC 010932Functional and developmental T cell subsets
Ashwell, JonathanZIA BC 011264Glucocorticoids and T cell development and function
Austin, StuartZIA BC 010333The Segregation of Bacterial Chromosomes to Daughter Cells
Austin, StuartZIH BC 011161The automated measurement of foci in fluorescence microscopy
Bai, YawenZIA BC 010808Nucleosome Dynamics
Barchi, JosephZIA BC 010451Carbohydrate Antigen-bearing Nanoparticles for Anti-adhesives and Tumor Vaccines 
Barchi, JosephZIA BC 011232A Glycopeptide from Interstitial Cystitis Patients as a Novel Anticancer Lead
Barr, FredericZIA BC 011378Studies of amplification in rhabdomyosarcoma
Barr, FredericZIA BC 011387Studies of gene fusions in rhabdomyosarcoma
Barr, FredericZIA BC 011423Epigenetic studies in rhabdomyosarcoma
Barr, ValarieZIC BC 010978Confocal Core for the Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology
Basrai, MuniraZIA BC 010822Molecular Determinants of Chromosome Transmission and Cell Cycle Regulation
Batchelor, EricZIA BC 011382Systems-level analysis of the regulation and function of p53 dynamics
Batchelor, EricZIA BC 011487Systems-level analysis of the regulation and function of c-Myc
Bates, SusanZIA BC 010620Clinical Studies to Circumvent Drug Resistance
Bates, SusanZIA BC 010621Translational Studies of the Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Romidepsin
Bates, SusanZIA BC 010622Investigation of the ABC Half-Transporter ABCG2
Bernal, FedericoZIA BC 011261Biological Implications and Translational Applications of HDMX Inhibition
Bernal, FedericoZIA BC 011262Broadening the Utility of Stapled Peptides through Chemical Optimization
Bernal, FedericoZIA BC 011376Structural and Biochemical Studies of p53 Family Function
Bernal, FedericoZIA BC 011511Chemical Targeting of Multi-Protein Complexes
Berzofsky, JayZIA SC 004020Antigen-specific T-cell Activation, Application to Vaccines for Cancer and AIDS
Beutler, JohnZIA BC 011470Development of Natural Product Leads as Anticancer Therapeutics
Beutler, JohnZIA BC 011469Building Libraries with Chemical Diversity for Screening
Birnbaum, LindaZIA BC 011476Studies of the fate of environmental contaminants in humans and animals 
Blumberg, PeterZIA BC 005270Molecular Mechanism of Action of Phorbol Ester
Blumenthal, RobertZIA BC 008303Mechanisms of Viral Fusion and Inactivation
Blumenthal, RobertZIA BC 010652Lipid-based Nanocapsules and Triggered Chemotherapy
Bonner, WilliamZIA BC 006140Studies of Histone Functions in Chromatin; H2AX and DNA DSBs
Bosselut, RemyZIA BC 010671Genetic Analysis of T-cell Differentiation
Bottaro, DonaldZIA BC 011095Identification of HIF-Regulated Oncogenic Mediators in Renal Cell Carcinoma
Bottaro, DonaldZIA BC 011123Development of Grb2 SH2 Domain Antagonists as Anti-Cancer Therapeutics
Bottaro, DonaldZIA BC 011124Oncogenic Met Signaling in Urologic Malignancies
Brechbiel, MartinZIA SC 010051Metal Chelate Conjugated Dendrimer Constructs for Diagnosis and Therapy
Brechbiel, MartinZIA SC 006353Metal Chelate Conjugated Monoclonal Antibodies for Tumor Diagnosis and Therapy
Brownell, IsaacZIA BC 011393Development and regulation of stem cell lineages in skin
Brownell, IsaacZIA BC 011394Molecular pathogenesis of Merkel cell carcinoma
Brownell, IsaacZIA BC 011450Ipilimumab for treatment of advanced Merkel cell carcinoma
Buck, ChristopherZIA BC 011090Merkel Cell Carcinoma Polyomavirus
Buck, ChristopherZIA BC 011460BKV and JCV vaccine development
Burke, TerrenceZIA BC 007363Design and Synthesis of HIV Integrase as Potential Anti-AIDS Drugs
Burke, TerrenceZIA BC 006198Inhibitors of Tyrosine Kinase-Dependent Signaling as Anti-Cancer Agents
Bustin, MichaelZIA BC 004496Chromosomal Proteins and Chromosomal Functions
Bustin, MichaelZIA BC 011154Biological Functions of Chromosomal Proteins
Byrd, R. AndrewZIA BC 011131Investigation of Protein-Protein Interactions in the ERAD Ubiquitylation Pathway
Byrd, R. AndrewZIA BC 011132Methods Development
Byrd, R. AndrewZIA BC 011419Structural Biology of GTPase Activating Proteins
Callahan, RobertZIA BC 005148Mammary Tumorigenesis in Inbred and Feral Mice
Camphausen, KevinZIA SC 010372Molecular Profiling of Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy
Camphausen, KevinZIA SC 010373The Synergy Between Radiotherapy and Molecularly Targeted Agents
Camphausen, KevinZID BC 010990Radiation Oncology Branch - Radiation Clinic
Camphausen, KevinZIC BC 010991Radiation Oncology Branch - Microarray Facility
Cao, LiangZIC BC 010981Design, Develop, Validate, and Implement Biomarkers for Clinical Investigations
Cao, LiangZIC BC 011048Preclinical Development of Novel Targeted Therapeutics Against Pediatric Sarcoma
Cao, LiangZIA BC 011189Molecular Pathogenic Mechanism of Rhabdomyosarcoma
Caplen, NatashaZIA BC 010612The Role of miRNA-mediated RNAI in the Biology of Cancer
Caplen, NatashaZIA BC 010613The Induction of Gene-specific RNAi Against Cancer-associated Genes
Caplen, NatashaZIA BC 010615RNAi Screening for the Systematic Discovery of Cancer Gene Function
Caplen, NatashaZIA BC 010939RNAi Analysis and Screening for Study of Genes and Anti-Cancer Treatments
Carrington, MaryZIA BC 010791Effects of genetic polymorphism in MHC, KIR, and related loci on human disease
Carrington, MaryZIA BC 010792Molecular genetics and population studies of the KIR and HLA gene complexes
Chattoraj, DhrubaZIA BC 010277Mechanisms of Chromosome Maintenance in Bacteria
Chen, JinqiuZIC BC 011434Collaborative Protein Technology Resource: Automated Capillary Immunoassays
Cheng, Sheue-yannZIA BC 008752Thyroid Hormone Receptors in Health and Disease
Cheng, Sheue-yannZIA BC 011191Preclinical Mouse Model of Thyroid Carcinogenesis
Cherukuri, MuraliZIA BC 010476Time Domian Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Imaging
Cherukuri, MuraliZIA BC 010477Overhauser Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (OMRI)
Choyke, PeterZIA BC 010654Lymphatic Imaging
Choyke, PeterZIA BC 010655Prostate Cancer Imaging
Choyke, PeterZIA BC 010656Growth Factor Imaging
Choyke, PeterZIA BC 010657Intracellular In vivo Imaging
Choyke, PeterZIA BC 010668Instrumentation for microSPECT and microPET imaging
Choyke, PeterZIA BC 010714Angiogenesis imaging
Citrin, DeborahZIA BC 010850Mechanisms of Normal Tissue Toxicity
Citrin, DeborahZIA BC 011424Bone Marrow Stromal Cells as Mitigators of Radiation Injury
Colburn, NancyZIA BC 010025The Role of AP-1 and Other Transcription Factors in Cancer Cause and Prevention
Colburn, NancyZIA BC 010026The Role of Pdcd4 in Translation, Tumorigenesis and Tumor Progression
Colburn, NancyZIA BC 011159Identification of Biomarkers for Response to Chemoprevention of Colon Cancer
Coleman, C. NormanZIA BC 010670Molecular-Targeted Radiation Therapy
Cooper, JuliaZIA BC 011519Telomere Biology
Cortner, JanelleZIJ BC 011365Training Fellowship
Cortner, JanelleZIC BC 011392LGD Core
Court, DonaldZIA BC 010336Lambda Genetic Networks and Lambda Red-Mediated Recombination
Cowen, EdwardZID BC 011317Dermatology Consultation Service
Custer, MaryZIG BC 010856Basic and Preclinical Animal Models in support of Cancer and HIV/AIDS Research
Daar, IraZIA BC 010006Mechanisms of Cross-talk Between EphrinB and Alternate Signaling Pathways
Daar, IraZIA BC 010958Signaling Mechanisms of EphrinB1 in Cell Adhesion, Migration and Invasion
Dahut, WilliamZIA SC 010098The Evaluation of Novel Therapeutics for Genitourinary Malignancies
Dalal, YaminiZIA BC 011206Genome wide profiling of histone variants in colorectal cancer cells
Dalal, YaminiZIA BC 011207Analysis of centromere identity and structure in human cells
Dalal, YaminiZIA BC 011209Kinetochore Interaction with Centromere Chromatin in human cells
Danforth, DavidZIA SC 006663Molecular Characterization of Breast Duct Epithelium at Risk for Breast Cancer
Dauter, ZbigniewZIA BC 010378Macromolecular Crystallography Research with Synchrotron Radiation
Dimitrov, DimiterZIA BC 010701Human Monoclonal Antibodies Against Cancer
Dimitrov, DimiterZIA BC 011155Antibody-based therapeutics and vaccines against AIDS
Dimitrov, DimiterZIA BC 011156Antibody therapeutics against biodefense-related diseases
Doroshow, JamesZIA BC 010677NADPH Oxidase 1: A Novel Target for Colon Cancer Therapy
Doroshow, JamesZIA BC 011076Roles of NADPH Oxidase 5 and Dual Oxidase 2 in Cancer
Doroshow, JamesZIA BC 011078Phase 0/1 Clinical Trials
DuBois, WendyZIC BC 011047Animal Model and Genotyping Core Support Facility
Dudley, MarkZIC BC 011020Cell Production Facility Core
Durell, StewartZIC BC 011380Multivalent Inhibition of Integrin alphaVbeta3
Durell, StewartZIH BC 011445Coordination of DNA Replication, Transcription and Chromatin Assembly
Durell, StewartZIC BC 011075Molecular Modeling of the Human P-glycoprotein Transporter Protein
Durell, StewartZIC BC 011077Molecular Modeling of Interactions Regulating the Activity of the p53 Protein
Durell, StewartZIA BC 011379Inhibitor Development Against the Wip1 Phosphatase
Durum, ScottZIA BC 009287Cytokines and T Cell Development
Durum, ScottZIA BC 011150Chronic Inflammation and Carcinogenesis
Edelman, DanielZIC BC 011040Molecular Profiling of Clinical Specimens
Edelman, DanielZIC BC 011041Technical Development of Molecular Profiling Technologies
Emmert-Buck, MichaelZIA SC 010437Molecular Pathology of Cancer
Emmert-Buck, MichaelZIC BC 011068Laser Capture Microdissection Core Laboratory
Emmert-Buck, MichaelZIA BC 011210Magnetic Drug Delivery for Cancer
Emmert-Buck, MichaelZIA BC 010729Technology Development
Felber, BarbaraZIA BC 010334Posttranscriptional control of gene expression
Felber, BarbaraZIA BC 010350Prevention of AIDS
Feldman, StevenZIC BC 010989Clinical production of viral vectors for cancer gene therapy
Figg, WilliamZIA SC 006538Development of Angiogenesis Inhibitors
Figg, WilliamZIA BC 010453Identify SNPs and Polymorphisms Involved in the Development of Prostate Cancer
Figg, WilliamZIA BC 010547Development of Drugs That Target Prostate Cancer
Figg, WilliamZIC SC 006536Sample Processing and Analytical Methods Development for New Anticancer Agents
Figg, WilliamZIC SC 006537Using Clinical Pharmacology Principles to Develop New Anticancer Therapies
Figg, WilliamZIC BC 010548Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Modeling of Anticancer Agents
Figg, WilliamZIA BC 010627Clinical Pharmacogenetics
Filie, ArmandoZIC BC 011052Cytopathology Core
Fine, HowardZIA BC 010839Exploring the Therapeutic Potential of Stem Cell Biology in Gliomas
Fine, HowardZIC BC 011086Brain Tumor Animal Therapeutics Core
Fine, HowardZID BC 011098Brain Tumor Clinical and Clinical Research Program
Fine, HowardZIA BC 011101Identifying New Glioma-Associated Tumor Suppressors and Oncogenes
FitzGerald, DavidZIA BC 008757Bio-Therapies for the Treatment of Cancer and Infectious Disease
Fojo, AntonioZIA SC 006732Clinical, Basic, Translational and Kinetic Studies of Drug Action and Resistance
Fojo, AntonioZIA BC 010625Microtubule (MT) Interfering Agents (MTAs): Mechanisms of Action and Resistance
Fojo, AntonioZIA BC 010626Cancers with Unique Properties: Pheochromocytoma, Adrenal and Thyroid Cancer
Fojo, AntonioZIE BC 010843Medical Oncology Fellowship Program
Fowler, DanielZIA SC 010288Th1/Th2 and Tc1/Tc2 T Cell Subsets in Transplantation Therapy
Fowler, DanielZIA BC 011219Combination Gene Therapy and Th1/Th2 Therapy
Fowler, DanielZIA BC 011220Understanding T Cell Rapamycin Resistance
Franchini, GenoveffaZIA BC 005645T-cell Transformation by Oncoviruses
Franchini, GenoveffaZIA BC 011126Preventive Vaccines for HIV
Freed, EricZIA BC 010775Retroviral Gag Trafficking, Env Incorporation, and Virus Assembly
Freed, EricZIA BC 010776Retrovirus Budding and Endosomal Sorting
Freed, EricZIA BC 010778Inhibition of HIV-1 Maturation
Fry, TerryZIA BC 011295Optimizing the graft versus leukemia effect for pediatric ALL
Fry, TerryZIA BC 011320Targeting dendritic cells for selective  modulation of Graft-versus-Host Disease
Gardner, KevinZIA BC 010846Mechanisms of Transcriptional Control by p300
Gardner, KevinZIA BC 010847Gene-specific Mechanisms of BRCA1 transcriptional Control
Garfield, SusanZIC BC 010858CCR Confocal Microscopy Core
Gattinoni, LucaZIA BC 011480Programming T Cell Fates for Therapeutic Use
Giaccone, GiuseppeZID BC 010950Research Nursing
Giaccone, GiuseppeZID BC 010951Medical Director's Office
Giaccone, GiuseppeZIA BC 011269Thoracic Cancer Research Laboratory
Giaccone, GiuseppeZIE BC 011271Developmental Therapeutics Clinic
Gildersleeve, JeffreyZIA BC 010675Development of a Carbohydrate Microarray
Gildersleeve, JeffreyZIA BC 010740Carbohydrate Microarray Profiling of Glycan-Binding Antibodies and Lectins
Gildersleeve, JeffreyZIA BC 011055Serum Antibody Profiling with a Carbohydrate Microarray
Goldstein, DavidZIK BC 010857Science and Technology Partnerships
Goldstein, DavidZIC BC 011532CCR Bioinformatics Core
Gonzalez, FrankZIA BC 005562Xenobiotic-Metabolizing Enzymes
Gonzalez, FrankZIA BC 005708Xenobiotic Receptors
Gottesman, MichaelZIA BC 005598Genetic Analysis of the Multidrug Resistance Phenotype in Tumor Cells
Gottesman, MichaelZIA BC 010830Mechanisms of non-classical multidrug resistance in cancer
Gottesman, SusanZIA BC 008714Bacterial Functions Involved in Cell Growth Control
Gottesman, SusanZIA BC 011203Proteolysis and Regulation of Bacterial Cell Growth Control
Green, JeffreyZIA BC 005740Transgenic Models for Prostate and Breast Cancer
Green, JeffreyZIA BC 011229Mechanisms of Tumor Cell Dormancy and Tumor Recurrence
Greiner, JohnZIA BC 010970The connection of innate and adaptive anti-cancer immunity
Gress, RonaldZIA BC 010525Immune Reconstitution
Gress, RonaldZIA BC 010957Transplant Models
Gress, RonaldZIA BC 010960ETIB Clinical Trials
Gress, RonaldZID BC 010963ETIB Clinical Research Core
Greten, TimZIA BC 011258Analysis of tumor cell death on antigen-specific immune responses
Greten, TimZIA BC 011343Clinical protocols for the treatment of gastrointestinal cancer
Greten, TimZIA BC 011344Immune suppressor mechanisms in patients with GI cancer
Greten, TimZIA BC 011345Analysis of cancer-related immune suppressor mechanisms in mice
Greten, TimZIA BC 011346Immune suppressor mechanism in a murine model of hepatitis and liver cancer
Grewal, ShivZIA BC 010523RNAi and Epigenetic Control of Higher-Order Chromatin Assembly
Grewal, ShivZIA BC 011208Roles of Chromatin-modifying Factors in Epigenetic Control of the Genome
Guha, UdayanZIA BC 011408Compare substrate specificities of wild type and mutant EGFR kinases.
Guha, UdayanZIA BC 011410Protein phosphorylation downstream of mutant EGFR kinases
Guha, UdayanZIA BC 011412Role of ERRFI1 in mutant EGFR-driven lung tumorigenesis
Guha, UdayanZIA BC 011414Identification of potentially active tyrosine kinases in lung cancer
Guha, UdayanZIA BC 011529In-patient hospice and rapid autopsy to interrogate tumor heterogeneity
Gulley, JamesZIA BC 010666Cancer Therapy Clinical Trials Using Novel Recombinant Vaccines
Gulley, JamesZIA BC 010945Clinical trials employing cancer vaccine combination therapies
Gustafson, KirkZIA BC 011467Molecularly targeted natural products discovery from diverse natural sources
Gustafson, KirkZIA BC 011468Adaptations and methodologies for enhanced identification of lead compounds
Hager, GordonZIA BC 010308In vivo Imaging Analysis of Steroid/Nuclear Receptor Function
Hager, GordonZIA BC 010027Function of Steroid Receptors in Subcellular Compartments
Hager, GordonZIA BC 005450Chromatin Structure and Gene Expression
Hager, GordonZIA BC 010646Chromatin Remodeling Proteins
Haglund, KarlZIA BC 011277Procaspase 3 activator compounds combined with X-ray irradiation
Haglund, KarlZIA BC 011316Role of the human transcription factor T in chordoma growth
Haglund, KarlZIA BC 011326Sensitization of chordoma cell lines to ionizing radiation
Haglund, KarlZIA BC 011454RGB-286638 as a radiation sensitizer
Haglund, KarlZIA BC 011455Therapeutic use of immunomodulators and ionizining radiation
Hakim, FrancesZIC BC 010934Immune reconstitution following autologous and allogeneic stem cell transplant
Hakim, FrancesZIC BC 011029Preclinical development and clinical monitoring of adoptive immune therapy
Hale, EricZIK BC 011193Office of Policy and Intellectual Property
Hammer, JeffreyZIC BC 011309DNA Extraction Service
Hammer, JeffreyZIC BC 011310Hollow Fiber Production of Monoclonal Antibodies
Harris, CurtisZIA BC 011492Biomarkers in Cancer Diagnosis,Prognosis, and Therapuetic Outcome
Harris, CurtisZIA BC 011495Integrative Molecular Epidemiology of Human Cancer
Harris, CurtisZIA BC 011496p53, Aging, and Cancer
Hartman, KathleenZIC BC 010859DNA Sequencing and Digital Gene Expression Core
Hassan, RaffitZIA BC 010816Immunotherapy for Malignant Mesothelioma
Hatfield, DolphZIA BC 005317Role of Selenium in Development and Health
Hatfield, DolphZIA BC 010767Biosynthesis of Selenocysteine and Its Incorporation into Protein
Hearing, VincentZIA BC 010784Biochemistry of Melanins and Photoprotection of the Skin
Hearing, VincentZIA BC 010785Characterization of Pigmentary Disorders and Melanoma Targeting
Hearing, VincentZIA BC 010786The Regulation of Mammalian Pigmentation
Helman, LeeZIA SC 006892Molecular Biology of Pediatric Tumors
Helman, LeeZIA SC 006891Solid Tumors
Henderson, DarrenZII BC 011234CCR New Space Activation
Hewitt, StephenZIC BC 010923Tissue Array Research Program
Hewitt, StephenZIC BC 011257Applied Molecular Pathology Laboratory
Hickstein, DennisZIA SC 010384Hematopoietic Stem Cell Gene Therapy for Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency
Hickstein, DennisZIA BC 010549Zebrafish Models of Cancer
Hickstein, DennisZIA BC 010870Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant for Immunodeficiency with MDS
Hickstein, DennisZIA BC 011374Allotransplant for DOCK8 deficiency
Hinrichs, ChristianZIA BC 011478Tumor infiltrating lymphocyte therapy for human papillomavirus-positive cancers
Hinrichs, ChristianZIA BC 011479T-cell receptor gene therapy for human papillomavirus-positive cancers
Ho, MitchellZIA BC 010891Antibody Therapy of Cancer
Hodes, RichardZIA BC 009405Regulation of Lymphocyte Proliferation and Replicative Capacity
Hodes, RichardZIA BC 009281Receptor Mediated T and B Cell Activation
Hodes, RichardZIA BC 009265Analysis of the T Cell Repertoire
Hodge, JamesZIA BC 010661Vaccine and Drug Combination Therapy for Human Cancers
Hodge, JamesZIA BC 010975Vaccine and radiation for the therapy of human cancers
Hou, StevenZIA BC 010738Molecular Genetic Study of Stem Cells, Cancer Stem Cells, and Stem Cell Aging
Hu, Wei-ShauZIA BC 010504Elucidating the Mechanisms of Reverse Transcription and Recombination
Hu, Wei-ShauZIA BC 010506Understanding Retroviral Gag and RNA Targeting and Virus Assembly
Hu, Wei-ShauZIA BC 010814Regulation of Retroviral RNA Packaging and Dynamics of HIV-1 RNA Export
Hu, YinlingZIA BC 011212Functions of IKK alpha in Skin Homeostasis and Skin Tumorigenesis
Hu, YinlingZIA BC 011391Role of IKK alpha in lung squamous cell carcinoma development
Hu, YinlingZIA BC 011422Role of IKKalpha in lymphoid organ development
Huang, JingZIA BC 011158Study the role(s) of p53 in embryonic stem cells
Huang, JingZIA BC 011504Study the roles of p53 and p53 mutants in mesenchymal stem cells
Hughes, MarybethZIA BC 011012Study of Hepatic Arterial Infusion of Melphalan for Malignancy in the liver
Hughes, MarybethZIA BC 011520Phase II Trial of Cytoreductive Surgery and HIPEC for ACC
Hughes, StephenZIA BC 010481HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase
Hughes, StephenZIA BC 011426Integrase
Hunter, KentZIA BC 011255Genetic Modifiers of Initiation and Progression of Mammary Cancer
Hurwitz, ArthurZIA BC 010954Tumor Growth and Microenvironment Influence T Cell Tolerance to Tumor Antigens
Hurwitz, ArthurZIA BC 010955The Role of T Cell Avidity in Determining Tumor Immunity and Autoimmunity
Hussain, S. PerwezZIA BC 011162Integrative Molecular Profiling of Human Pancreatic Cancer
Hussain, S. PerwezZIA BC 011185Role of Immune and Inflammation Mediators in Progression of Pancreatic Cancer
Hussain, S. PerwezZIA BC 011485Forkhead-box (FOX) Transcription Factors in the Progression of Pancreatic Cancer
Jaffe, ElaineZIA SC 000550Lymphoma Disease Discovery and Defintion
Jaffe, ElaineZIA BC 011070Hematopathology Diagnosis
Jaffe, ElaineZIE BC 011241Hematopathology Fellowship
Jenkins, LisaZIC BC 011430CPTR - Mass Spectrometry
Jessup, JohnZIA BC 011199Embryonic Transcription Factor Function in Human Colorectal Cancer Stem Cells
Ji, XinhuaZIA BC 010326Biomolecular Structure and Mechanism, Structure-Based Drug Design
Jin, DingZIA BC 010632Transcription Regulation in E. coli and H. pylori
Johnson, PeterZIA BC 010328Role of C/EBP transcription factors in regulating cell growth and tumorigenesis
Jones, JenniferZIA BC 011502Development and use of nanoFACS for analysis and sorting of nanoparticles
Jones, JenniferZIA BC 011503Novel Combinations of Radiation and Immunotherapy
Kalab, PetrZIA BC 010872High throughput screen for small molecule inhibitors of Ran regulated functions
Kalab, PetrZIA BC 011084Cellular functions of Ran GTPase
Kammula, UdaiZIA BC 010649Immunotherapy Strategies for Gastrointestinal and Hepatocellular Cancer
Kammula, UdaiZIA BC 010766High Throughput Isolation of Antigen Specific T-cells for Cancer Therapy
Kaplan, RosandraZIA BC 011332Tumor Microenvironment in Cancer Progression
Kaplan, RosandraZIA BC 011334Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets in Angiogenesis and Metastasis
Kashlev, MikhailZIA BC 010795Mechanisms of transcription fidelity in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
Kashlev, MikhailZIA BC 011202Mechanism of the initial steps in transcription-coupled DNA repair (TCR)
Katz, StephenZIA SC 003657Immunopathologic Mechanisms Involved in Inflammatory Skin Diseases
Kebebew, ElectronZIA BC 011275Gene expression and regulation in endocrine cancers
Kebebew, ElectronZIA BC 011286Therapeutic targets and novel anticancer agents for endocrine cancers
Kebebew, ElectronZIA BC 011287Clinical and genetic studies in familial nonmedullary thyroid cancer (FNMTC)
Keefer, LarryZIA BC 005673Using Diazeniumdiolate Chemistry to Design Nitric Oxide-Based Therapies
Keefer, LarryZIA BC 011188Diazeniumdiolates as Broad-Spectrum Anticancer Agents
Keller, JonathanZIA BC 010001Molecular/Cellular Regulation of Hematopoiesis
Kelly, AlexanderZIA BC 011491Role of kinetochore proteins in chromosome segregation
Kelly, KathleenZIA SC 009389A Mitogen-induced G Protein-coupled Receptor
Kelly, KathleenZIA BC 010607Ras-mediated signals in human epithelial cell transformation and metastasis
Kelly, KathleenZIA BC 010802Tumor stem cells and metastatic outcomes in mouse models of prostate cancer
Kelly, KathleenZIA BC 011053TMPRSS2-ERG chromosomal translocations and prostate cancer
KewalRamani, VineetZIA BC 010487Cytoplasmic-Nuclear Trafficking of HIV-1
KewalRamani, VineetZIA BC 010488Animal Models for HIV-1 Replication and Pathogenesis
KewalRamani, VineetZIA BC 011461The Role of RISC Proteins in HIV-1 Replication
Khan, JavedZIA SC 010366Identification of Genes for Predicting Prognosis in Pediatric Cancers
Khan, JavedZIA BC 010591Characterization of Xenograft Models of Childhood Cancers
Khan, JavedZIA BC 010592Comparative Genomic Hybridization of Neuroblastoma
Khan, JavedZIA BC 010998Identification of Novel Mutations In Pediatric Cancers
Khan, JavedZIA BC 010999Characterization of FGFR4 mutations in Rhabdomyosarcoma
Khan, JavedZIA BC 011001Micro RNA  Profiling in Pediatric Cancers
Khan, JavedZIA BC 010806Targeting High-risk Neuroblastoma using high through put siRNA screening
Khanna, ChandZIA BC 010566Tumor and Metastasis Biology
Khanna, ChandZIG BC 010569Comparative Oncology Program
Khanna, ChandZIA BC 011024Tumor and Metastasis Therapy
Kimura, ShiokoZIA BC 005522Thyroid Stem/Progenitor Cells
Kimura, ShiokoZIA BC 010449Role of Novel Cytokine-like Molecules Secretoglobin (SCGB) 3A1 and 3A2 in Lung
Klar, AmarZIA BC 010381Studies on Silencing
Klar, AmarZIA BC 010385Studies on mat1 Imprinting
Kleiner, DavidZIC BC 010685Postmortem Pathology
Kleiner, DavidZID BC 010686Clinical Operations for Laboratory of Pathology
Kleiner, DavidZIC BC 010687Histology Core Laboratory
Klinman, DennisZIA BC 010852Mechanism of action and therapeutic utility of stimulatory CpG oligonucleotides
Klinman, DennisZIA BC 010853Mechanism of action and therapeutic utility of immunosuppressive oligonucleotide
Kobayashi, HisatakaZIA BC 011512Activatable molecular cancer imaging probe
Kobayashi, HisatakaZIA BC 011513Cancer-cell specific therapy: photo-immunotherapy
Kochenderfer, JamesZIA BC 011413Autologous T cells Transduced with an Anti-CD19 Chimeric Antigen Receptor
Kochenderfer, JamesZIA BC 011415Allogeneic T cells Transduced with an Anti-CD19 Chimeric Antigen Receptor
Kochenderfer, JamesZIA BC 011417New Chimeric Antigen Receptors for Treating Hematologic Malignancies
Kochenderfer, JamesZIA BC 011439Development of Chimeric Antigen Receptors Targeting Multiple Myeloma
Kohn, EliseZIA SC 009374Signaling Pathways as Molecular Targets in Angiogenesis and Microenvironment
Kohn, EliseZIA SC 009375Signal Transduction Therapy--Clinical
Kohn, EliseZIA SC 009163Signal Transduction Therapy--Basic Science
Kohn, EliseZIE BC 011136The CCR/Walter Reed Army Medical Center Gynecologic Cancer Program Research Lab
Kohn, KurtZIA BC 006192Investigating Regulatory Networks that Control Cell Proliferation and Apoptosis
Kong, HeidiZIA BC 010914Gene Expression Profiling and Clinical Characterization of Phototoxicity
Kong, HeidiZIA BC 010938Studies of Skin Microflora in Healthy Individuals and Atopic Dermatitis Patients
Kong, HeidiZIA BC 010940Cutaneous Adverse Drug Reactions
Kong, HeidiZIA BC 011177Botulinum Toxin for Painful Cutaneous Leiomyomas
Kovalovsky, DamianZIA BC 011429Zbtb family members in lymphocyte differentiation and function
Kraemer, KennethZIA BC 004517DNA Repair in Human Cancer-Prone Genetic Diseases
Kreisl, TeriZIA BC 011482Evaluation of the Natural History of Patients withTumors of the Central Nervous
Kreisl, TeriZIA BC 011484Develop novel therapeutics for patients with treatment resistant glioma
Kreitman, RobertZIA BC 010301Development of Recombinant Toxins to Treat Hematologic Malignancies
Kruhlak, MichaelZIC BC 010915EIB Microscopy Core Facility 
Kuehl, W. MichaelZIA SC 006581Molecular Pathogenesis of Multiple Myeloma
Kuehl, W. MichaelZIA BC 010910Genomic Rearrangements in Multiple Myeloma
Kuehn, MichaelZIA BC 009297Ubiquitin And SUMO Post-Translational Modifications In Development And Disease
Kuehn, MichaelZIA BC 010256The Nodal Signaling Pathway In Embryonic Development
Kwong, KingZIA BC 011046Mechanisms of apoptosis regulation which impede cancer cell death in lung cancer
Kwong, KingZIA BC 011049Development and evaluation of apoptosis targeted therapies in lung cancer
Kwong, KingZIA BC 011160Mechanisms in development and regulation of metastasis in lung cancer
Lal, AshishZIA BC 011399Regulation of microRNA expression by Mutant p53
Lal, AshishZIA BC 011400Function of Mutant p53-regulated microRNAs in cancer cells
Lal, AshishZIA BC 011401Mechanisms regulating the context-dependant function of microRNAs
Lal, AshishZIA BC 011402MicroRNA phenotypic screening for the discovery of novel anti-cancer microRNAs
Landgren, C. OlaZIA BC 011205Population based studies
Landgren, C. OlaZIA BC 011352Molecular and clinical profiling
Larionov, VladimirZIA BC 010413Study of hereditary prostate cancer and human artificial chromosomes
Larson, DanielZIA BC 011383Transcription Dynamics in Single Cells
Larson, DanielZIA BC 011409Gene Expression Profiling and RNA visualization with Single-Molecule FISH
Lazarevic, VanjaZIA BC 011431Role of T-bet in the pathogenesis of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
Lazarevic, VanjaZIA BC 011432Regulation of T-bet expression in TH17 cells by microRNAs
Le Grice, StuartZIA BC 010493High-Resolution Protein and Nucleic Acid Footprinting
Le Grice, StuartZIA BC 010494HIV-1 RNase H  as  a Therapeutic Target
Le Grice, StuartZIA BC 010495Unnatural Amino Acids as Probes of Protein Structure and Function
Le Grice, StuartZIA BC 011443Single-Molecule Spectroscopy of HIV-1 Replication Complexes
Lee, ByungkookZIA BC 011233Structural Bioinformatics
Lee, ByungkookZIA BC 011238Computational Biology
Lee, Jung-MinZIA BC 011525Targeting DNA damage repair and related pathways in HRD-women's cancers
Lee, KyungZIA BC 010681Development of anti-polo-box therapeutic agents
Lee, KyungZIA BC 011324Centrosomal proteins in the regulation of spindle bipolarity and ciliogenesis
Lee, KyungZIA BC 011518Molecular basis of centriole duplication
Levens, DavidZIA SC 009144Mechanisms of transcription factor integration at the c-myc promoter
Levens, DavidZIA BC 011011The genome-wide function of supercoiling and alternative DNA conformations
Levens, DavidZIC BC 011042Global changes in specific histone modifications in cancer
Levens, DavidZIA BC 011465c-Myc Function
Lewandoski, MarkZIA BC 010338The Role of Fgf Signaling in Vertebrate Development
Lewandoski, MarkZIA BC 010518Role of BMP and FGF signaling during limb development
Lewandoski, MarkZIA BC 011505Characterization of the hematopoietic stem cell lineage
Lewandoski, MarkZIA BC 011321Identification and characterization of FGF target genes
Lewis, BrianZIA BC 011223Function of O-GlcNAc-modified Human RNA Polymerase II in Transcription
Lichten, MichaelZIA BC 005268Mechanism of Meiotic Recombination
Lin, Pengnian CharlesZIA BC 011390Vascular Biology in Cancer
Linehan, W. MarstonZIA BC 011028Clinical Studies of the Molecular Genetic Basis of Kidney Cancer
Linehan, W. MarstonZIA BC 011038Molecular Therapeutics of Kidney Cancer: VHL Gene and Fumarate Hydratase Gene
Linehan, W. MarstonZIA BC 011043Molecular Therapeutics of Kidney Cancer:  MET Gene and BHD Gene
Linehan, W. MarstonZID BC 011089Clinical Nursing and Data Management Core
Linehan, W. MarstonZID BC 011092Urologic Oncology Branch Consult Core
Linnoila, IlonaZIA SC 000167Molecular Pathology of Pulmonary Carcinogenesis
Lipkowitz, StanleyZIA SC 007263TRAIL-induced Cell Death in Breast Cancer Cells 
Lipkowitz, StanleyZIA BC 010977Cbl Proteins as Regulators of Tyrosine Kinase Signaling
Liu, Zheng-GangZIA SC 010376TNF Signaling and Cell Death
Liu, Zheng-GangZIA BC 010783Inflammation, Macrophage Differentiation, and Cancer
Loncarek, JadrankaZIA BC 011459Control of centrosome biogenesis
Lowy, DouglasZIA BC 008905Tumor gene expression in vitro and in vivo
Lowy, DouglasZIA BC 010579Papillomavirus Virion Proteins and Vaccines
Luo, JiZIA BC 011302Screen for Ras inhibitors
Luo, JiZIA BC 011303Ras oncogene induced protein SUMOylation changes
Luo, JiZIA BC 011304New shRNA vectors for mammalian genetic analysis
Luo, JiZIA BC 011397Alternative splicing in Ras transformed cells
Luo, JiZIA BC 011437Focused siRNA screening using validated siRNA libraries
Luo, JiZIA BC 011438Pooled shRNA screens for target discoveries in cancer
Mackall, CrystalZIA BC 011069Biology and Therapy of Lymphopenia
Mackall, CrystalZIA BC 011073Immunobiology and Immunotherapy of Pediatric Tumors
Mackall, CrystalZIA BC 011498Clinical Trials of Immunotherapies for Childhood Cancer
Mackem, SusanZIA BC 011118Role of Shh in developmental patterning and proliferation of digit skeleton
Mackem, SusanZIA BC 011119Hoxd gene functions in digit morphogenesis and role of Gli3-Hoxd interaction
Mackem, SusanZIA BC 011120Genome-wide identification of target promoters of developmental regulators
Mackem, SusanZIA BC 011121RNA interference approach to dissect roles of notochord regulators
Mackem, SusanZIA BC 011319Role of FIR in limb morphogenesis
Madan, RaviZIA BC 011280Cancer Therapy Trials using novel vaccine platforms
Madan, RaviZIA BC 011281Combination therapies involving novel cancer vaccines
Madan, RaviZIA BC 011521Combination Studies in Prostat Cancer
Maldarelli, FrankZIA BC 010819HIV-1 Genetic Variation in Infected Individuals
Maldarelli, FrankZIA BC 011464Clinical Interventional Studies of HIV Reservoirs
Maldarelli, FrankZIA BC 011466HIV Persistence During Suppressive Antiretroviral Therapy
Martin, KimberlyZIJ BC 011285CCR Education and Outreach
Maurizi, MichaelZIA BC 005597Biochemistry of Energy-Dependent (Intracellular) Protein Degradation
Maurizi, MichaelZIA BC 011446The ClpP protease as a therapeutic target in bacterial and mammalian cells
McKinnon, KatherineZIC BC 010936CCR VB FACS CORE
McMahon, JamesZIC BC 010469Molecular Targets Development Program
McNally, JamesZIA BC 010561Transcription factor mobility
McNally, JamesZIC BC 010571Fluorescence Imaging Facility
McVicar, DanielZIA BC 010300Signal Transduction of Paired Inhibitory Receptors of NK Cells and Macrophages
McVicar, DanielZIA BC 010747Charaterization of the Expression and Ligands of KIR3DS1
Meier, JordanZIA BC 011488Defining and Manipulating Epigenomic Regulators in Endogenous Systems
Meltzer, PaulZIA BC 010759Functional Genomics of Sarcoma
Meltzer, PaulZIA BC 011091Cancer Genomics Technology Development
Meltzer, PaulZIA BC 011328Characterization of the Osteosarcoma Genome
Meltzer, PaulZIC BC 011331CCR Sequencing Facility
Merchant, MelindaZIE BC 011516Pediatric Oncology Branch Clinical Care and Education
Merchant, MelindaZID BC 011517Pediatric Oncology Branch Behvioral Science Core
Merino, MariaZIE SC 000853Translational Surgical Pathology
Merino, MariaZIA BC 010696Study of Hereditary Renal and Other Familial Syndromes
Merino, MariaZIA BC 011405microRNA Profiling in the Spectrum of Kidney Tumors
Merino, MariaZIA BC 011406miRNA profiling  of prostate cancer.
Merlino, GlennZIA BC 008756Genetically Engineered Mouse Models to Study RTK Function in Melanoma
Merlino, GlennZIA BC 010871Use of Mouse Models of Human Rhabdomyosarcoma to Study Progression to Metastasis
Merlino, GlennZIA BC 011167A novel preclinical model of spontaneous metastasis
Miettinen, MarkkuZID BC 011291General Surgical Pathology
Miettinen, MarkkuZIA BC 011427Immunohistochemical analysis of tumors
Mili, StavroulaZIA BC 011501Regulation and functional effects of localized RNAs
Miller, RobertZID SC 006329Clinical Radiation Physics Service
Miller, RobertZIA SC 006330Radiation Field Modeling and Computerized Treatment Planning
Miller, RobertZIA BC 010516Gated Optical Detectors/Dose Guided Radiotherapy
Milne, JacquelineZIA BC 010412Structural Analysis of Macromolecular Complexes by Electron Microscopy
Milne, JacquelineZIA BC 010827Structural Studies of Metabolic Enzymes and Their Regulation
Misteli, TomZIA BC 010309Nuclear Architecture and Disease
Mitchell, JamesZIA SC 006321Modulation of Therapeutic Response
Mitchell, JamesZIA SC 006387Nitroxides as Protectors Against Oxidative Stress
Mitchell, JamesZIA BC 010946Protection against Radiation-Induced Carcinogenesis
Mitsuya, HiroakiZIA SC 006738Development of Antiviral Therapy of HIV-1 Infection
Mitsuya, HiroakiZIA BC 011105Study of HIV Protease Dimerization (PD) and Identification of PD Inhibitors
Mitsuya, HiroakiZIA BC 011109Study of Structures of CCR5 and Its Interactions with CCR5 Inhibitors
Mitsuya, HiroakiZIA BC 011486Development of Novel Agents Active against Hepatitis B Virus
Mock, BeverlyZIA BC 010008The Genetics of Susceptibility to Mouse Plasma Cell Tumors
Mock, BeverlyZIA BC 011064A Modifier of Plasmacytoma Susceptibility Maps to Mouse Chr 1
Mock, BeverlyZIA BC 011065Preclinical Testing of HDAC and mTOR Inhibitors
Morrison, DeborahZIA BC 010329Regulation of Ras-Dependent Signal Transduction Pathways
Morrison, DeborahZIA BC 011107Function and Regulation of Protein Scaffolds and Signal Modulators in Signaling
Muegge, KathrinZIA BC 010014Epigenetic control during embryogenesis
Neckers, LeonardZIA SC 010074Role of HSP90 Family Chaperone Proteins in Cellular Signal Transduction
Neckers, LeonardZIA BC 010683Role of FH loss in development of HLRCC heriditary kidney cancer
Neckers, LeonardZIA BC 011032Post-translational modifications of Hsp90 that impact drug efficacy
Nicklaus, MarcZIC BC 010517Large Databases of Small Molecules - Drug Development Tool and Public Resource
Nicklaus, MarcZIA BC 010524HIV Integrase Modeling and Computer-Aided Inhibitor Development
Nicklaus, MarcZIC BC 010639In Silico Screening for Cancer Targets
Nicklaus, MarcZIA BC 010832Fundamentals of Ligand-Protein Interactions
Nicklaus, MarcZIA BC 011336Tools for Prediction of Drug Metabolism and Metabolites
Noer, KathleenZIC BC 011236CCR-Frederick Flow Cytometry Core
Nussenzweig, AndreZIA BC 010283DNA Repair
Nussenzweig, AndreZIA BC 010959Relationship between DNA damage detection and signaling
Nussinov, RuthZIA BC 010440Protein Structure, Stability, and Amyloid Formation
Nussinov, RuthZIA BC 010441Biomolecular Recognition and Binding Mechanisms
Nussinov, RuthZIA BC 010442Method Development: Efficient Computer Vision Based Algorithms
Oberdoerffer, PhilippZIA BC 011282RNAi screen for chromatin modifiers in DNA repair and aging
Oberdoerffer, PhilippZIA BC 011283Investigating the role of DNA breaks in mammalian aging
Oberdoerffer, ShaliniZIA BC 011293Impact of chromatin structure on alternative splicing of CD45 pre-mRNA
Oberdoerffer, ShaliniZIA BC 011294Conditional manipulation of hnRNPLL expression in murine models
Oberholtzer, J.ZIE BC 011384Anatomic Pathology Residency Program
O'Huigin, ColmZIC BC 011237CIP Genomics Core
O'Keefe, BarryZIA BC 011471Cell-free assay technologies for the identification of active compounds
O'Keefe, BarryZIA BC 011472Isolation of antiviral proteins from natural product extracts.
Oppenheim, JoostZIA BC 009369Studies of Chemokine-Receptor Interactions with Chemokines and alarmins
Oppenheim, JoostZIA BC 010707Role of T regulatory suppression in autoimmunity and cancer
Oppenheim, JoostZIA BC 010708Consequences of receptor cross talk on inflammation and algesia
Pack, SvetlanaZID BC 011349Development of FISH Molecular  Diagnostics to support Clinical Trials at NCI
Palena, ClaudiaZIC BC 010937Novel Targets for Vaccine Therapy
Parent, CaroleZIA BC 010418Signaling Events Regulating Chemotaxis
Park, Jung-HyunZIA BC 011214Post-Transcriptional Regulation of Interleukin-7 Receptor Expression
Park, Jung-HyunZIA BC 011215Immune Regulatory Roles of Suppressor Of Cytokine Signaling (SOCS) Molecules
Parkhurst, MariaZIC BC 011030The Antigen Targeting Core
Pastan, IraZIA BC 010020Clinical Trials with Immunotoxins
Pastan, IraZIA BC 010298Growth Regulation Section
Pastan, IraZIA BC 008753Immunotoxin Therapy of Solid and Hematopoietic Tumors:  Preclinical Studies
Paterson, BruceZIA BC 005258Molecular Studies of Eukaryotic Gene Regulation
Pathak, VinayZIA BC 010595Structure and Function of APOBEC3 Proteins
Pathak, VinayZIA BC 011435Development of Novel Therapeutics by Targeting Vif-APOBEC3 Interactions
Pathak, VinayZIA BC 011436Mechanisms of Antiviral Drug Resistance, Host Factors and Retroviral Replication
Pavlakis, GeorgeZIA BC 010749DNA Vaccines
Pavlakis, GeorgeZIA BC 010750Cytokines in AIDS and Cancer
Perantoni, AlanZIA BC 005093Growth/Differentiation Factors in Organogenesis
Phang, JamesZIA BC 010743Metabolic Mechanisms for Programmed Cell Death
Phang, JamesZIA BC 010744Regulation of Proline Oxidase for Bioenergetics during Nutrient Stress
Phang, JamesZIA BC 010746Extracellular Matrix and Stress Substrates: the Role of Prolidase
PI NameZ01 NumberProject Title
Pinto, PeterZIE BC 011023Clinical Fellowship Training Program
Pinto, PeterZIA BC 011081Prostate Section
Poirier, MiriamZIA BC 005177Interaction of Chemical Carcinogens and Chemotherapeutic Agents with DNA
Poirier, MiriamZIA BC 010770Genotoxicity and mitochondrial toxicity of antiretroviral NRTI and PI drugs
Polizzotto, MarkZIA BC 011500Pathogenesis and therapy of KSHV-associated Malignancies
Pommier, YvesZIA BC 007333Pharmacology of HIV Viral DNA & Retroviral Integrases
Pommier, YvesZIA BC 006161DNA Topoisomerases as Target of Action of Anticancer Drugs
Pommier, YvesZIA BC 006150DNA Repair, Cell Cycle Checkpoints and Apoptosis as Targets for Anticancer Drugs
Qasba, PradmanZIA BC 009304Structure-Function Studies and Design of Novel Glycosyltransferases
Qasba, PradmanZIA BC 010742Utilizing Glycosyltransferases for Bioconjugation
Qasba, PradmanZIA BC 010804Using Glycosyltransferases for the Development of Targeted Drug Delivery System
Qasba, PradmanZIA BC 011385Detection of Specific Glycan Moieties on the Cell Surface
Raffeld, MarkZIC BC 011079Molecular Diagnostics Core Laboratory
Raffeld, MarkZIC BC 011087Immunohistochemistry Core Laboratory
Ramamurthi, KumaranZIA BC 011211Subcellular protein localization in B. subtilis
Randazzo, PaulZIA BC 007365Regulation of ADP-ribosylation factor
Reilly, KarlyneZIA BC 010539Identification of Modifier Gene of Tumors Associated with NF1 and Astrocytoma
Reilly, KarlyneZIA BC 010540Molecular Mechanisms of Proliferation and Infiltration of Astrocytoma
Reilly, KarlyneZIA BC 010541Development of Mouse Astrocytoma Model for Preclinical Testing
Rein, AlanZIA BC 010511Retrovirus Assembly and Maturation
Rein, AlanZIA BC 010512Interactions of Retroviral Proteins with Nucleic Acids
Rein, AlanZIA BC 010773Interactions of APOBEC3 Proteins with Murine Leukemia Viruses
Rein, AlanZIA BC 011325Retrovirus Biology
Reinhold, WilliamZIC BC 011509Clustering of the drug activities of the NCI-60 cancerous cell lines
Reinhold, WilliamZIC BC 011475Genomics and Systems Pharmacology Core
Reinhold, WilliamZIC BC 011497RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) of the NCI-60
Reinhold, WilliamZIC BC 011499comparative genomic hybridization data and web-based tool for the NCI-60
Restifo, NicholasZIA BC 010763Building on the success of the adoptive immunotherapy of cancer
Restifo, NicholasZIA BC 011037Developing new immunotherapies based of CD4+ T cells
Ried, ThomasZIA BC 010833Identification and functional characterization of colorectal cancer genes
Ried, ThomasZIA BC 010834Identifying Diagnostic Markers for Cervical, Breast, and Prostate Cancer
Ried, ThomasZIA BC 010835Colorectal Cancer Transcriptome: Effects of Genomic Instability and Aneuploidy
Ried, ThomasZIA BC 010837Prediction of Therapy Response in Colorectal Cancer 
Robbins, PaulZIC BC 010948DNA Sequencing and FACS Core Facilities
Robert-Guroff, MarjorieZIA BC 011058Development of a Vaccine for HIV/AIDS: Humoral Immunity
Robert-Guroff, MarjorieZIA BC 011062Development of a Vaccine for HIV/AIDS: Cellular Immunity
Robert-Guroff, MarjorieZIA BC 011063Development of a Vaccine for HIV/AIDS: Translation to the Clinic
Roberts, DavidZIA SC 009174Roles of Glycoconjugates and Redox Signaling in Tumor Biology
Roberts, DavidZIA SC 009172Cellular Interactions with Thrombospondin
Roberts, DavidZIA SC 009173Host Colonization and Vascular Dissemination of Candida albicans
Roche, PaulZIA BC 009404Regulation of MHC Class II Trafficking in Antigen Presenting Cells
Roche, PaulZIA BC 011033Mechanisms of MHC Class II Association with Plasma Membrane Microdomains
Roche, PaulZIA BC 011035Regulation of Exocytosis from Immune Cells
Rong, YikangZIA BC 010446DNA Double Strand Break Repair in Drosophila Melanogaster
Roschke, AnnaZIC BC 010930Molecular Cytogenetics Core
Rosenberg, StevenZID SC 003800Surgical Consultants & Collaborative Research Involving Surgical Services at NIH
Rosenberg, StevenZIA BC 010984Adoptive Cell Transfer Immunotherapy of Cancer
Rosenberg, StevenZIA BC 010985Gene therapy of cancer
Rubin, JeffreyZIA BC 010251Wnt Signaling and Secreted Frizzled-Related Proteins
Rubin, JeffreyZIA BC 011224Casein Kinase 1 Delta in Wnt Signaling and Beyond
Rudloff, UdoZIA BC 011267Preclinical drug development in pancreatic cancer
Ruscetti, FrancisZIA BC 009264Cytokine Regulation of Normal and Neoplastic Hematopoietic Cell Growth
Ruscetti, FrancisZIA BC 010252Pathogenic Effects of Human Retroviruses on Hematopoietic and Adherent Cells.
Ruscetti, SandraZIA BC 005657Molecular Basis for the Pathogenesis of Murine Retroviruses
Salomon, DavidZIA BC 009003The Role of Cripto in the Pathogenesis of Breast and Colon Cancer
Samelson, LawrenceZIA BC 010304Biochemical Basis of T Cell Activation
Sayers, ThomasZIA BC 010012Mechanisms of Immune-mediated Tumor Cell Destruction
Sayers, ThomasZIA BC 011056Promoting tumor cell apoptosis by death ligands
Schiller, JohnZIA BC 009052Papillomavirus Virion Proteins and Vaccines
Schlom, JeffreyZIA BC 010425Strategies for Therapeutic Cancer Vaccine Clinical Trials
Schlom, JeffreyZIA BC 010598Human Immune Responses to Tumor Antigens for Cancer Vaccine Development
Schlom, JeffreyZIA BC 010944Strategies for Cancer Vaccine Development:  Preclinical Studies
Schneekloth, JohnZIA BC 011449Identification of Inhibitors of Protein Sumoylation
Schneekloth, JohnZIA BC 011451Synthesis and Study of Inhibitors of Ubiquitin Ligases
Schneider, JoelZIA BC 011313Design and Utility of Novel Proteinaceous Biomaterials
Schneider, JoelZIA BC 011314Development of antibacterial agents and materials
Schneider, JoelZIC BC 011515Chemical Synthesis Core
Schnermann, MartinZIA BC 011506Synthesis and evaluation of small-molecule imaging agents
Schrump, DavidZIA SC 010093Targeting the Epigenome for Lung Cancer Therapy
Schrump, DavidZIA BC 011115Epigenetic Mechanisms of Gene Expression in Lung Cancer Cells
Schrump, DavidZIA BC 011122Epigenetic Alterations Induced by Tobacco Smoke
Schrump, DavidZIA BC 011418Modulating Cancer Stem Cell Signaling in Thoracic Malignancies
Shapiro, BruceZIA BC 008382Computational Approaches for RNA Structure/Function Determination
Shapiro, BruceZIA BC 011061Computational and Experimental RNA Nanobiology
Sharan, ShyamZIA BC 010387Functional Analysis of Breast Cancer Susceptibility Genes in Mice
Sharan, ShyamZIA BC 011181Functional Analysis of Human Breast Cancer Susceptibility Gene Variants
Sharan, ShyamZIA BC 011311Identification of genetic interactors of Brca2
Sharrow, SusanZIC BC 009255Application of Flow Cytometry to Cell Biology
Shilling, JeffreyZIH BC 011235Support of NCI CCR Clinical Research and Bioinformatics
Simpson, R. MarkZIG BC 010931Comparative Biomedical Scientist Training Program
Simpson, R. MarkZIC BC 010953Molecular Pathology Research for Cancer Diagnostics and Biomarkers
Singer, AlfredZIA BC 009273T Cell Differentiation and Repertoire Selection
Singer, AlfredZIA BC 011106Specification of T cell function during development
Singer, AlfredZIA BC 011111Cytokine signaling in developing thymocytes and T cells
Singer, AlfredZIA BC 011112Development and function of regulatory T cells
Singer, AlfredZIA BC 011113T cell survival
Singer, AlfredZIA BC 011114Role of microRNAs in T cell development
Singer, AlfredZIA BC 011116MHC-independent T cells
Singer, AlfredZIA BC 011117T cell receptor regulation of cytokine signaling
Singer, DinahZIA BC 009279Regulation of Expression of MHC Class I Genes
Singer, DinahZIA BC 009285Responses of MHC Class I Genes to Exogeneous Stimuli
Singer, DinahZIA SC 010375TAF7: A Check-point Regulator in Transcription Initiation
Singer, DinahZIA BC 011381Brd4 is an atypical kinase that regulates transcription
Singer, DinahZIA BC 011425Expression of class I in Treg cells
Smart, DeeDeeZIA BC 011222CNS sirtuins in radiation-induced vascular permeability and neurodegeneration
Smart, DeeDeeZIA BC 011330Tumor heterogeneity in breast cancer brain metastasis after brain radiation
Smart, DeeDeeZIA BC 011333Neuropsychological outcome measures in patients receiving whole brain radiation
Smith, GilbertZIA BC 010021Biology of Mammary Gland Development and Tumorigenesis
St. Croix, BradZIA BC 010483TEM5 Ligand Hunt
St. Croix, BradZIA BC 010484Functional Analysis of TEM5 and TEM8
St. Croix, BradZIA BC 010486Search for New Tumor Endothelial Markers
St. Croix, BradZIA BC 010578Targeting TEMs in Preclinical Tumor Models
St. Croix, BradZIA BC 010736Using mouse knockouts to unravel endothelial gene function
Staudt, LouisZIA BC 011006Molecular diagnosis and outcome prediction in lymphoma
Staudt, LouisZIA BC 011007RNA interference-based screens for molecular targets in cancer
Staudt, LouisZIA BC 011008Oncogenic mechanisms and molecular targets in lymphoma
Staudt, LouisZIA BC 011010Oncogenic mechanisms and molecular targets in myeloma
Steakley, CarynZID BC 010882Center for Cancer Research Clinical Trials Support
Steakley, CarynZID BC 010987Center for Cancer Research Patient Travel
Steakley, CarynZID BC 010988Center for Cancer Research Clinical Trials Data Management Service
Steeg, PatriciaZIA SC 000892Molecular Biology of the Metastatic Phenotype
Steeg, PatriciaZIA BC 010538Molecular Analysis of Breast Cancer Metastasis to the Brain
Steinberg, SethZID SC 007202Biostatistics and Data Management Section
Sterneck, EstaZIA BC 010307Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Mouse Mammary Gland and Human Breast Tumor Cells
Stetler-Stevenson, MaryaliceZIC SC 009372Flow Cytometric Analysis of Benign and Malignant Tumors
Stetler-Stevenson, MaryaliceZIC BC 011093Flow Cytometric Detection of Malignant Cells in Body Fluids
Stetler-Stevenson, MaryaliceZIC BC 011104Flow Cytometric Evaluation of Biomarkers
Stetler-Stevenson, WilliamZIA SC 009179The Role of TIMPs in Cell Growth and Differentiation: Tumor Angiogenesis 
Stetler-Stevenson, WilliamZIA BC 011204Preclinical development of Ala+TIMP-2 as an cancer therapeutic
Stommel, JayneZIA BC 011403Mechanistic investigation of the RTK cooperation paradigm in vitro and in vivo
Stommel, JayneZIA BC 011441Cell density effects on therapeutic sensitivity
Stommel, JayneZIA BC 011522Discovery of kinase targets in chromosome 10 deleted glioma cells
Strathern, JeffreyZIA BC 010380Recombination and Regulation
Strathern, JeffreyZIA BC 010992Fidelity of Transcription
Strathern, JeffreyZIA BC 011350Molecular Discovery Program
Subramaniam, SriramZIA BC 010278Imaging cellular assemblies with three-dimensional electron microscopy
Subramaniam, SriramZIA BC 010824Molecular structures of membrane protein assemblies
Subramaniam, SriramZIA BC 010825HIV neutralization and mechanisms of cellular entry
Subramaniam, SriramZIA BC 010826Technology Development for 3D Electron Microscopy
Swing, DeborahZIC BC 010903Transgenic Core Facility
Tanner, KandiceZIA BC 011433The role of coherent angular motion in adult tissue remodeling
Tanner, KandiceZIA BC 011524Mechanical regulation of the microenvironmental niche in skin tumorigenesis
Tarasov, SergeyZIC BC 010965CCR Biophysics Resource Core
Tarasova, NadyaZIA BC 011306Inhibitors of protein-protein interactions
Tarasova, NadyaZIA BC 011307Self-assembling protoviral nanoparticles
Telford, WilliamZIC BC 011138FACS Core Facility
Telford, WilliamZIC BC 011139Application of novel laser technology for flow cytometric analysis.
Tessarollo, LinoZIA BC 010391Role of Trk Receptors in the Development and Function of Non-neuronal Structures
Tessarollo, LinoZIA BC 010390Role of Neurotrophins in the Development of the Mammalian Nervous System
Tessarollo, LinoZIC BC 011265Gene Targeting Facility
Thiele, CarolZIA BC 010788Regulation of Differentiation of Pediatric Embryonal Tumors- Neuroblastoma
Thiele, CarolZIA BC 010789Pathophysiologic Consequences of Neurotrophin Activation of Trk in Neuroblastoma
Thorgeirsson, SnorriZIA BC 010638The role of c-met in liver biology
Thorgeirsson, SnorriZIA BC 011031Cancer stem cells and human liver cancer
Thorgeirsson, SnorriZIA BC 011173Genomic Classification of Human Liver Cancer
Thorgeirsson, SnorriZIA BC 011175Validation of Therapeutic Target Genes in Human Liver Cancer
Tofilon, PhilipZIA BC 011372Microenvironmental regulation of glioblastoma radiosensitivity
Tofilon, PhilipZIA BC 011373Radiation-induced translational control of gene expression
Tosato, GiovannaZIA SC 010355Angiogenesis and Tumor Growth
Tosato, GiovannaZIA SC 010356A Role for KSHV in the Pathogenesis of Malignancies
Tosato, GiovannaZIA BC 010782Study of the Roles of SDF1 and CXCR4 in Hematopoiesis
Trepel, JaneZIC SC 006743Signal Transduction Events and the Regulation of Cell Growth
Trinchieri, GiorgioZIA BC 010793Role of inflammation, innate resistance, and immunity in carcinogenesis.
Trinchieri, GiorgioZIA BC 011152Regulation of human dendritic cell activation
Trinchieri, GiorgioZIA BC 011153Role of mouse microbiome in cancer and inflammation
Tropea, JosephZIC BC 011016Protein Production
Tsang, KwongZIA BC 010972Identification of human tumor-associated antigens
Tsang, KwongZIA BC 010973Analyses of human T regulatory cells
Udey, MarkZIA SC 003669Regulation of Cutaneous Accessory Cell Activity in Health and Disease
Udey, MarkZIA BC 010956EpCAM (CD326) Function in Epithelial Cell Biology and Immunophysiology
Udey, MarkZIA BC 010976Role of MFG-E8 in Tumor Biology and Immunophysiology
Van Dyke, TerryZIA BC 010880Mechanisms of Prostate Tumorigenesis Using Genetically Engineered Mouse Models
Van Dyke, TerryZIA BC 011017The study of underlying mechanism of EGFR-Ras signaling in glioblastoma
Van Dyke, TerryZIA BC 011192The Mechanism of Thymic Lymphomagenesis in Genetically Engineered Mouse Model
Van Dyke, TerryZIA BC 011278Mechanisms of Early Stage Mammary Tumorigenesis
Van Dyke, TerryZIA BC 011456Rb TS inhibition dedifferentiates astrocytes leading to Astrocytoma initiation
Van Dyke, TerryZIA BC 011530Investigate the role of EGFR mutation and amplification in GBM tumorigenesis
Van Dyke, TerryZIC BC 011137Center for Applied Preclinical Research (CAPR)
Van Dyke, TerryZIA BC 011217Preclinical Characterization of Drugs in Mouse Model of Lung Cancer
Van Dyke, TerryZIA BC 011240Pathway Analysis in Mouse Model for Astrocytoma via Systems Biology Approach
Van Dyke, TerryZIA BC 011353Development and validation of preclinical mouse model for serous ovarian cancer
Van Dyke, TerryZIA BC 011411Development of ES/iPSC approach for non-germline GEM modeling
Van Dyke, TerryZIA BC 011462Establishing the Preclinical Model for Metastatic Melanoma
Van Dyke, TerryZIA BC 011463Adoption and Retooling of GEM model for Pancreatic Cancer
Van Dyke, TerryZIA BC 011526Therapeutic evaluation in GEM pancreatic model
Vinson, CharlesZIA BC 005271Gene Regulation and Function: The B-ZIP Proteins
Vocke, CathyZIC BC 011044Tissue Processing/Sequencing Core
Voss, TyZIC BC 011453Development and Excecution of Collaborative High-Throughput Microscopy Assays
Wakefield, LalageZIA BC 005785TGF-betas in breast cancer progression
Wakefield, LalageZIA BC 010881Development of TGF-beta antagonists for cancer therapy
Waldmann, ThomasZIA SC 004002IL-2/IL-15 Cytokine Receptor: Implications for Cancer Therapy and Vaccine Design
Waldmann, ThomasZIB BC 010906Interleukin-15 Production for Treatment of Patients with Metastatic Malignancy
Walters, KylieZIA BC 011490Ubiquitin signaling
Wang, Ji MingZIA BC 010015The Role of Cellular Receptors Involved in Inflammation and Tumor Progression 
Wang, Ji MingZIA BC 010725Role of Formylpeptide Receptors in Host Defense
Wang, Xin WeiZIA BC 005793Mechanism of viral hepatitis-mediated hepatocarcinogenesis
Wang, Xin WeiZIA BC 010313Molecular signatures for liver cancer diagnosis and treatment stratification
Wang, Xin WeiZIA BC 010876The role of cancer stem cells in liver cancer heterogeneity and subtypes
Wang, Xin WeiZIA BC 010877The identification of human hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis genes
Wang, Yun-XingZIA BC 010379Search for the Structural Basis of Biomacromolecular Function and Activity
Ward, YvonaZIC BC 010947Cell and Cancer Biology Branch Confocal Microscopy Core
Warren, KatherineZIA BC 010580Phase II Trial of PEG-Intron in Children with Diffuse Pontine Gliomas
Warren, KatherineZIA BC 010589Imaging as a Biomarker for Diffuse Intrinsic Brainstem Gliomas
Warren, KatherineZIA BC 010709Exploratory Study of Biologic and Pathophysiologic Effects of Radiation Therapy
Warren, KatherineZIA BC 010800Convection enhanced delivery of agents into the brainstem of glioma patients
Warren, KatherineZIA BC 011018Differential Gene Expression and Targeting of Gliomas Using Radiation
Warren, KatherineZIA BC 011514Investigating the biology of pediatric gliomas
Warren, KatherineZIA BC 011019Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma Genomic Study
Warren, KatherineZIA BC 011298Ph I Radiation and Lenalidomide in pediatric malignant glioma
Warren, KatherineZIA BC 011299Noninvasive Evaluation of Pediatric CNS Tumors
Warren, KatherineZIA BC 011340Preclinical development of new therapeutics for children with CNS Tumors
Warren, KatherineZIA BC 011407Establishment of an International DIPG Registry
Warren, KatherineZIA BC 011447Clinical Development of New Agents for Children with CNS Tumors
Waugh, DavidZIA BC 010341Protein Expression and Purification in the Fast Lane
Waugh, DavidZIA BC 010342Structural Proteomics of the Yersinia Yop Virulon
Waugh, DavidZIA BC 010780Structural studies of molecular cancer targets and drug development
Wayne, AlanZIC SC 010353Experimental Therapeutics of Pediatric Hematopoietic Malignancies
Weissman, AllanZIA BC 009392Determining the Fate of Transmembrane Proteins
Weissman, AllanZIA BC 010292Enzymes and Substrates of the Ubiquitin Conjugating System
Westlake, ChristopherZIA BC 011398Membrane trafficking function in primary cilium assembly and signaling
Westlake, ChristopherZIA BC 011416Investigation of Rabs and trafficking regulators roles in tumorigenesis
Wickner, SueZIA BC 008710Molecular Chaperones and DNA Replication
Widemann, BrigitteZIA SC 010354Clinical Development of Novel Drugs for Children with Refractory Cancers
Widemann, BrigitteZIA BC 010801Therapy for NF1-Related Tumors and other Genetic Tumor Predisposition Syndromes
Wiest, JonathanZIJ BC 011133CCR Office of Training and Education
Wiest, JonathanZIA BC 010448Genetic Alterations in Lung Cancer
Wiest, JonathanZIA BC 011108MAP Kinase signal transduction disruption in cancer
Wilson, WyndhamZIA SC 006741Lymphoma Studies
Wilson, WyndhamZIA BC 010715Phase II study of flavopiridol in mantle cell lymphoma and DLBCL
Wilson, WyndhamZIA BC 010716Phase I and II Study of BCL Family Inhibitors in Lymphoma
Wilson, WyndhamZIA BC 010717Phase I study of bortezomib and DA-EPOCH-R with microarray in DLBCL
Wilson, WyndhamZIA BC 010719Randomized Phase II study of borteozmib/EPOCH-R in Mantle cell lymphoma
Wilson, WyndhamZIA BC 010728Phase III Study of R-CHOP v DA-EPOCH-R with microarray
Wilson, WyndhamZIA BC 011354BCR Signaling in ABC DLBCL
Wiltrout, RobertZIA BC 009262Immunophysiological Mechanisms in the Biological Therapy of Cancer
Wiltrout, RobertZIA BC 009322Mechanisms Used by NKT Cells in the Control of Liver Tumors
Wiltrout, RobertZIA BC 010892Characterization of the interaction between inflammation and cancer progression
Wiltrout, RobertZIA BC 010893Tumor models for the study of inflammation and oncogenesis
Wiltrout, RobertZIC BC 011021Basic Research Support for the CCR
Wiltrout, RobertZID BC 011022Clinical Research Support for the CCR
Wink, DavidZIA SC 007281Nitric Oxide as a Modifier of Oxidative Stress
Wink, DavidZIA BC 010898Redox Mechanism Process of Angiogenesis and Wound Healing
Wink, DavidZIA BC 010899Properties of redox modified NSAIDs in cancer prevention and treatment
Wink, DavidZIA BC 011190Chemical Biology of Nitroxyl (HNO)
Winkler, CherylZIA BC 010297Identification of Gene Polymorphisms Associated with Infectious Diseases
Winkler, CherylZIA BC 010022Genetics of Complex Diseases and Health Disparities
Wlodawer, AlexanderZIA BC 010348Protein Structure
Wolcott, KarenZIC BC 011428CCR FACS Core Laboratory
Wolff, LindaZIA BC 011027Animal models to study the role of INK4b loss in human acute myeloid leukemia
Wolff, LindaZIA BC 011039Long distant regulation of c-myb in normal cells and acute myeloid leukemia
Wood, BradfordZID BC 011242Center for Interventional Oncology
Wu, CarlZIA BC 005263Eukaryotic Chromatin Structure and Gene Regulation
Wunderlich, JohnZIC BC 010905Cell Prep Core
Xia, DiZIA BC 010319Structural Analysis of Biological Membrane Proteins
Xia, DiZIA BC 010600Study of AAA proteins by X-ray protein crystallography
Xia, DiZIA BC 010735Structural studies of fimbriae of enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC)
Yamaguchi, TerryZIA BC 010345The Role of Wnt Genes in Vertebrate Development and Cancer
Yang, JamesZIA BC 010803Characterizing a novel tumor recognition mechanism
Yang, JamesZIA BC 011337Generation of T-cell receptors recognizing antigens on non-melanoma tumors
Yang, LiZIA BC 011163Host immature myeloid cells in tumor suppressor or promoter roles of TGFbeta
Yang, LiZIA BC 011165Role of immature myeloid cells in premetastatic lung
Yarchoan, RobertZIA SC 006737Development of Novel Therapies for HIV Infection
Yarchoan, RobertZIA BC 010885Study of Tumor Pathogenesis and Development of Therapies for AIDS Malignancies
Yarchoan, RobertZIA BC 010888Clinical Trials of Patients with AIDS-Related Malignancies
Young, HowardZIA BC 009283Control of Cytokine Gene Expression in Lymphoid/Myeloid Cells
Yuspa, StuartZIA BC 004504Interacting Signaling Pathways that Initiate Squamous Cell Carcinogenesis
Yuspa, StuartZIA BC 005445Pathways that Suppress or Accelerate Premalignant Progression of Squamous Cancer
Zhang, YingZIA BC 010419Molecular Mechanisms of TGF-beta Signaling Pathway
Zhang, YingZIA BC 011168Physiological and pathological functions of E3 ubiquitin ligases Smurfs
Zheng, Zhi-MingZIA SC 010357Gene Expression and Post-Transcriptional Regulation of DNA Tumor Viruses 
Zhurkin, VictorZIA BC 010844DNA Folding in Chromatin and Interaction with Transcription Factors
Zhurkin, VictorZIA BC 010845p53-induced Regulation of Transcription in the Chromatin Context
Ziegelbauer, JosephZIA BC 011176Functions of KSHV microRNAs