dimer 1.0 Beta version Disclaimer This program and its related software are provided "as is". The program is the property of the Federal government and is the result of a research that was carried out in the Structural Biophysics Laboratory of the National Cancer Institute, NIH. The authors make no warranties, either express and implied, as to any issues and matters whatsoever with regard to the software. In particular, any and all warranties of merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose are explicitly excluded. In no event will the NIH, the Structural Biophysics Laboratory, the National Cancer Institute, or the authors be liable for any loss of profits or productivities, any incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages of any nature whatsoever (including without limitation, loss of use or other commercial or research loss) resulting or relating to the use or performance of the software. version = '1.0_beta', description = 'use NMR and SAXS data to compute complex structure', author='Jinbu Wang', author_email='jinbuw@ncifcrf.gov', Grid Search to find best structure fiting to SAXS eperimental data usage: dimer.exe where saxs_data_file name: the SAXS experimental data file name monomer pdb file: the pdb file includes euler angles and only monomer A The results are saved into four directories in current directory. top10: top 10 percent conformers by rmsd in I(q) fspdb: all pdb files Input parameters are embedded in SAXS data file, for example: Rg, Rg_error, Dmax, Dmax_error, rmsd_cutoff The following is the SAXS data input fill "tectoRNA18.dat" in subdirectory example. # Rg and Dmax come from SAXS experiment. # Rg_error and Dmax_error are error tolerance for Rg and Dmax respectively because of rigid-modeling. # Rg is in the range between Rg - Rg_error and Rg + Rg_error. # Dmax is in the range between Dmax - Dmax_error and Dmax - Dmax_error. # rmsd_cutoff is the threshold from the score function. # All structures with higher rmsd than this threshold will be discarded by this search. # Each non-SAXS data line must begin with "#" character. # Parameters must have white space before and after "=". # Rg and Dmax come from SAXS experiment. # Rg_error and Dmax_error are error tolerance for Rg and Dmax respectively because of rigid-modeling. # Rg is in the range between Rg - Rg_error and Rg + Rg_error. # Dmax is in the range between Dmax - Dmax_error and Dmax - Dmax_error. # rmsd_cutoff is the threshold from the score function. # All structures with higher rmsd than this threshold will be discarded by this search. # # Rg = 24.0 # Dmax = 95.0 # Rg_error = 1.5 # Dmax_error = 10 # rmsd_cutoff = 0.15 # q I(q) 0.00 0.2539 0.01 0.24886 0.02 0.23485 0.03 0.21519 0.04 0.18988 0.05 0.16175 0.06 0.13329 0.07 0.10723 0.08 0.084616 0.09 0.065924 0.10 0.050982 0.11 0.03953 0.12 0.030843 0.13 0.024222 0.14 0.019314 0.15 0.015627 How to Test the RNA example in windows command console? type in example directory ..\bin\dimer.exe tectoRNA18.dat initial-rigid-monomer_A.pdb *************************** It will take several minutes to finish. tectoRNA18.dat -- input parameters and SAXS data. initial-rigid-monomer_A.pdb -- tectoRNA monomer pdb file with one set of Euler angles.