On July 16th a patch from Alassian was installed and issue has been resolved.

Internet Explorer versions 6, 7, and 8 are not able to download file attachments from Confluence

The current fix is to use a browser other than Internet Explorer.
We recommend you use the Firefox browser.

We just received a patch to fix this error.
Rohit tested it and will install it this evening.

So all will be well tomorrow, July 16th!


The weekend of July 4th 2009 CCR upgraded Confluence to the latest version, 3.0.0_01
(We did this mainly for the improvements to the Rich Text Editor.)
Confluence 3.0.0_01 included many performance improvements and unfortunately one of the optimizations is causing this Internet Explorer problem.

This problem only impacts Confluence installations that utilize Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption, as we do.

The cache setting that causes this problem is fixed with a patch to Confluence. We will be upgrading tonight, 7/15/2009.

Thanks: Jeff Shilling and Rohit Paul

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  1. Anonymous

    What was the patch? Did Atlassian send it to you? We are running 3.0.0_01 and are having the same problem.

  2. Anonymous