The Center of Excellence in Immunology (CEI) is one of 4 Centers of Excellence within the NCI Intramural Research Program (IRP). These Centers are multi-disciplinary venues that generate connections among diverse intellectual, financial, and physical resources within the IRP to help develop new initiatives, projects, and collaborations that reduce the burden of cancer.


The Mission of the Center of Excellence in Immunology is to foster discovery, development, and delivery of novel immunologic approaches for the prevention and treatment of cancer and cancer-associated viral diseases.


  • Provide a format to integrate the diverse fields within immunology and facilitate translation of basic research discoveries into successful treatments
  • Serve as a distinctive think tank to facilitate blending basic and clinical scientific expertise and perspectives
  • Merge disciplines and promote new perspectives
  • Provide attractive partnership options for academia and pharmaceutical companies
  • Promote interaction of immunologists in the CCR, as well as within the intra- and extramural communities

Selected Activities

  • The next Symposium sponsored by the Center of Excellence in Immunology is "Past, Present, and Future of Cellular Immunotherapy Scientific Symposium Celebrating Steven A. Rosenberg's 50 years at NCI".  This event will be held September 26-27, 2024. More information can be found here.
  • The Immunology and Immunotherapy Seminar Series

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Last updated by Linnekin, Diana (NIH/NCI) [E] on Jun 14, 2024